
Terraform module that automagically packages a lambda

Primary LanguagePython


This is a terraform module which provides an external data source which does all the work in packaging an AWS lambda.

It tries really hard to make packages repeatable (see below).


module "lambda-package" {
  source = "github.com/2uinc/terraform-package-lambda"
  code = "my_lambda.py"

  /* Optional, defaults to the value of $code, except the extension is
   * replaced with ".zip" */
  output_filename = "my_lambda.zip"

  /* Optional, specifies additional files to include.  These are relative
   * to the location of the code. */
  extra_files = [ "data-file.txt", "extra-dir" ]

resource "aws_lambda_function" "my_lambda" {
  /* ... */
  filename = "${module.lambda-package.output_filename}"
  source_code_hash = "${module.lambda-package.output_base64sha256}"
  /* ... */


terraform-package-lambda tries really hard to make packages repeatable by working around quirks in both pip (compile times embedded in the .pyc files) and npm (full system path written to node_modules/**/package.json).

This is a hard problem, as these tools were not designed to produce identical results on every run. There may be other places that encode compile times or have randomness, for example in binary extensions.

If you find that Terraform wants to update the source every time you run terraform plan or terraform apply, save two copies of the zip file with different hashes, as a.zip and b.zip and do the following:

$ zipinfo -v a.zip > a.txt
$ zipinfo -v b.zip > b.txt
$ diff -u a.txt b.txt |less

This should give you an idea of which files are changing and how. If file contents are changing, you will see changed CRC-32 values in the diffs. Otherwise you'll see changed permissions, modified times, or something.

Submit a bug report. Bonus: Submit a test case that demonstrates the failure.


Run tests with python -munittest discover.

Every bug fix should have a corresponding test case which demonstrates the problem. Every new feature should be test-covered.