Reinforcement learning for traffic signal control in hybrid action space


In this repository, utilizing Hybrid Proximal Policy Optimization1 (H-PPO), we have implemented the synchronous optimization of the signal staging (discrete action) and its corresponding duration (continuous parameter).

The rollout buffer, network architectures, and (H)PPO classes are defined in src\hppo\ In the specific implementation, we have referred to repo:OpenAI and repo:ikostrikov. We have also considered the tricks in revisit papers234.

In the envs\ , we define the traffic demand as well as the simulation configuration, for example, 4_4.rou.xml and 4_4.add.xml, to make the sumo work. The environment class SUMOEnv is also included, which have been encapsulated to provide interactive envs (Please make sure you have registered it locally). Of course, if you are not interested in traffic signal control, you can ignore this env and write on your own. High performance and vectorized env, is under developed.

Finally, we present the overview of H-PPO’s architecture as well as the partial training results. And you can cite our paper5 as well.

Average queue length of Env #9 Average delay of Env #9



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  5. LUO H, BIE Y, JIN S. Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control in Hybrid Action Space [J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024: 1-17.