
The CookieConsentBanner is a React component designed for seamless integration of a cookie consent banner in your projects. It leverages the popular vanilla-cookieconsent library to provide a customizable and user-friendly cookie consent experience.


  1. Copy Code
  2. Open Framer and Go to your project assets
  3. Create a new code component and name it CookieConsentBanner
  4. Paste Code
  5. Configurate to your needs
  6. Run test
  7. Place the component on every page

Component Behavior

  • On Framer Canvas: The component renders a simple placeholder div with styling to indicate its presence without initializing the cookie consent logic.
  • On Published Site: The component dynamically loads the required CSS for the cookie consent and initializes the cookie consent banner with the specified configuration.


The component comes pre-configured with sensible defaults which can be customized. The configuration options are:

  • consentModal: Layout and position settings for the consent modal.
  • preferencesModal: Layout and position settings for the preferences modal.
  • categories: Definitions for necessary and analytics cookies.
  • language: Multi-language support with English as the default.

For detailed configuration options, refer to the vanilla-cookieconsent documentation.

Customization with Property Controls

You can add property controls to customize the settings directly within Framer. For example, to adjust the position of the consent banner:

addPropertyControls(CookieConsentBanner, {
    position: {
        type: ControlType.Enum,
        defaultValue: "bottom right",
        options: [
            "top left",
            "top right",
            "bottom right",
            "bottom left",
            "middle center",
        displaySegmentedControl: false,