
BedRockServer launcher with mods support

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


BedRockServer launcher with mods support

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. LD_PRELOAD=./bin/launch.so ./bedrock_server

put mods(bin/a.so,amoney.so,ban.so,land.so) into folder mods,and start the server.

example plugin intro:

ban 黑名单

/ban PlayerName
/unban PlayerName

money 简单经济

/money query [Playername] 查钱(初始500)
/monry set   设置钱

land 迫真领地

/land start
/land end
then touch the ground to determine the pos of land 先输指令,然后点地确定起点终点
/land buy
buy the land 买(价格 每个方块10)
/land invite 
share permissions with others (分享)
/land sell
sell the land on which you stand.(OP can force sell lands) (卖)