
A Docker container for asynchronous processing of tasks in Django.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Django Celery Redis Rabbit SQLite Docker container


Django Celery Redis Rabbit SQLite project skeleton

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App Version
Python 3.6
Django 2.1
Celery 4.1.0
Redis 2.1
Rabbit 3.7.8

What is included

  • Redis as a result backend
  • RabbitMQ as a message broker
  • pgAdmin to view the database schema
  • Scalable Docker and Docker Compose configuration (HAProxy)
  • Email support when job submitted (added in task file)

Docker Compose containers

  • redis (Redis result backend for Celery)
  • rabbit (RabbitMQ message broker for Celery)
  • web (Django application)
  • worker (Celery worker)
  • lb (HAProxy load balancer)

Project structure

|---src                                     # django project folder
|   |---dcs                                 # django root configuration
|   |   |---settings.py
|   |   |---urls.py
|   |   |---wsgi.py
|   |   |---celeryconf.py
|   |---files
|   |   |---tempaltes                       # view templates
|   |   |   |---index.html
|   |   |---media                           # images, sized cache and placeholder
|   |   |   |---.gitignore
|   |   |   |---placeholder.png
|   |   |   |---README.md
|   |   |---static
|   |   |   |---placeholder.png
|   |   |---README.md
|   |---manage.py

Setup & Run

Copy git repository

git clone https://github.com/

Email settings

# add the following info in src/dcs/settings.py
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'user@gmail.com'

Run inside docker

# build docker containers
docker-compose build

# option 1: run 1 instance of web
docker-compose up

# option 2: run 3 instances of web over load balancer
docker-compose up --scale web=3

# option 3: run in background with -d
docker-compose up -d --scale web=3

You can also run manage.py commands using docker environment, for example tests.

docker-compose run web python ./manage.py test

See docker's logs

docker-compose logs --tail 5

Run from local machine

# Install requirements
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Move to 'src' folder
cd src

# Run worker
celery worker -A dcs.celeryconf -Q default -n default@%h

# Start application on another console
python manage.py runserver


Django Celery Skeleton (updated the repository with email support and pgAdmin container)

Django Celery Skeleton