
Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Hunt for Bitcoin private keys.

This is a modified version of oclexplorer by svtrostov.

To convert Bitcoin legacy addresses to RIPEMD160 hasehs use this b58dec.

It is important to binary sort the RIPEMD160 file before giving it to the program, otherwise binary search function would not work properly. To do this work use this RMD160-Sort.


  • Renamed from oclexplorer to KeyHunt (inspired from keyhunt by albertobsd).
  • Modified opencl kernel to match for both compressed and un-compressed keys addresses.
  • Added bloom filter for fast matchings.
  • Transfer only bloom data to GPU device and keep hash160 data in system memory, this way we can load a very large hash file.
  • For args parsing it uses argparse by jamolnng)
  • It supports GPU only.


  • Add feature to search in given key-space range.


λ keyhunt-ocl.exe -h
Usage: keyhunt-ocl [options...]
    -p, --platform         Platform id [default: 0]
    -d, --device           Device id [default: 0]
    -r, --rows             Grid rows [default: 0(auto)]
    -c, --cols             Grid cols [default: 0(auto)]
    -i, --invsize          Mod inverse batch size [default: 0(auto)]
    -m, --mode             Address mode [default: 0] [0: uncompressed, 1: compressed, 2: both] (Required)
    -u, --unlim            Unlimited rounds [default: 0] [0: false, 1: true]
    -k, --privkey          Base privkey
    -f, --file             RMD160 Address binary file path (Required)
    -h, --help             Shows this page
keyhunt-ocl.exe -m 1 -f G:/BTCADDRESSES/address6-160-sorted.bin

        PLATFORM ID: 0[default: 0]
        DEVICE ID  : 0[default: 0]
        NUM ROWS   : 0[default: 0(auto)]
        NUM COLS   : 0[default: 0(auto)]
        INVSIZE    : 0[default: 0(auto)]
        ADDR_MODE  : 1[0: uncompressed, 1: compressed, 2: both]
        UNLIM ROUND: 0
        PKEY BASE  :
        BIN FILE   : G:/BTCADDRESSES/address6-160-sorted.bin

Loading addresses: 100 %
Loaded addresses : 195855350 in 171.433410 sec

Bloom at 000001B68EAF0430
        Version    : 2.1
        Entries    : 391710700
        Error      : 0.0000100000
        Bits       : 9386424816
        Bits/Elem  : 23.962646
        Bytes      : 1173303102 (1118 MB)
        Hash funcs : 17

Loading program file: gpu.cl

        Grid size  : 3584x4096
        Total      : 14680064
        Mod inverse: 14336 threads [1024 ops/thread]

        Device              : GeForce GTX 1650
        Vendor              : NVIDIA Corporation (10de)
        Driver              : 461.40
        Profile             : FULL_PROFILE
        Version             : OpenCL 1.2 CUDA
        Max compute units   : 14
        Max workgroup size  : 1024
        Global memory       : 4294967296
        Max allocation      : 1073741824

Iteration 1 at [2021-03-20 00:10:01] from: af34b0f60ded1c5597e31d5ed65a27755f3621e7ed3b3ecb3151fb9fbada2dcd
[af34b0f60ded1c5597e31d5ed65a27755f3621e7ed3b3ecb3151fba04c1a2dcd] [round 167: 0.21s (69.28 Mkey/s)] [total 2,451,570,688 (65.94 Mkey/s)]

Ctrl-C event


  • Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019
  • OpenCL 1.2


keyhunt-ocl is licensed under GPLv3.