"ci" is for Continuous Intergation and the last "c" for checking!
- POCO C++ Libraries 1.7.8+
Download from http://pocoproject.org/download/index.html
or git clone git@github.com:pocoproject/poco.git
We need PocoFoundation, PocoXML, PocoJSON, PocoUtil libraries in order to build cic libraries and prfrm command line tool.
- fmt formatting library 4.0.0+
Download latest from http://fmtlib.net/latest/index.html
or git clone git@github.com:fmtlib/fmt.git
Create project for XCode
cd /path/to/cic
mkdir build
cd build
# add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/install/prefix into the line below for custom install location
cmake -GXcode ..
Build XCode project from command line
# assuming we still in /path/to/cic/build
xcodebuild -target ALL_BUILD
Install from command line (default prefix path is /usr/local)
# assuming we still in /path/to/cic/build
xcodebuild -target install
Generate Makefile and build
cd /path/to/cic
mkdir build
cd build
# add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/install/prefix into the line below for custom install location
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" ..
Install (default prefix path is /usr/local)
# assuming we still in /path/to/cic/build
make install
cd /path/to/cic
mkdir build
cd build
# add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/my/install/prefix into the line below for custom install location
cmake ..
Install (default prefix path is /usr/local)
# assuming we are still within /path/to/cic/build directory
make install