The average debt of a college graudates in the united states is $29,900. The current economic climite has forced people to repay their student loan debt with jobs that don't require the degree that put them in debt in the first place. Students are going into college unsure about their future and unaware of alternative careers opportunities. Due to the lack of information on posssible paths students are forced to pay for unused degrees or forced persue careers they are not passionate about.

Alt-Lane is a website to bring information about career opportunities to high school students. Students will be exposed to alternative careers paths in their chosen fields via a network of mentors.


  • Product Owner: Shruti Tamarkar Tuladhar
  • Scrum Master: Tracey Thomas
  • Development Team Members: Jolizbeth Bonilla, Dillen Lewis

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing


Some usage instructions for getting the app up and running locally


  • React (Add version here)
  • Node
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL
  • npm
  • Jest
  • ESLint
  • Standard JS


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory: Look at package.json file and keep updating

- npm install  
- npm install knex 
- npm install --save-dev nodemon
- npx express-generator
- npm install pg-promise
- npm install JW
- npm install standard --save-dev
- npm install eslint --save-dev


View the project roadmap here.


See for contribution guidelines.

Style Guide

This project adheres to the StandardJS.