
Blog Management System with Laravel 8 + API + VueJS + Fortify

Primary LanguagePHPApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Blog Management System with Laravel 8 + API + VueJS + Fortify


Docker Desktop

Host Setup with https certificate


composer global require laravel/valet
valet install

Local Dev Setup

  • clone repo from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/MgHtinLynn/laravel-blog.git
cd laravel-blog

Link valet certificate with nginx proxy

ln -s /Users/htinlynn/.config/valet/Certificates {dir of repo clone}/data/

For me:

ln -s /Users/htinlynn/.config/valet/Certificates /Users/htinlynn/Code/htinlynn/laravel-blog/data/

Link Valet With Https URL

valet secure {host-name}

For Example

valet secure blog

That will generate https certificate for your repo

We have to disable nginx port 80 in PC or Laptop

valet stop

For Server Up

docker-compose up -d

For Sever Down

docker-compose down


You can call your host name to web-browser

In my mac https://blog.test/

if different dir, need to update docker-compose file.

For Migration

cp .env.example .env
docker exec -it app bash
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan storage:link

For JS Integration for local

npm install && npm run dev 

There is admin account after migration

Feature List

  • Laravel (back-end) / Vue.js (frontend) / Ckeditor (package)
  • CRUD (list, add, edit, delete)
  • CRUD List (all added item)
  • CRUD Add form ( form , 2 fields needed, 1st field - Title, 2nd field - Body/Content - using CKEDITOR)
  • CRUD Delete (simple delete with confirmation)
  • CRUD Update (form and existing value of this selected item)

Enjoy your setup.

If any problem , open the issue.

Htin Lynn, htinlin01@gmail.com, 09785360975