
Panorama is basically a photograph stretched horizontally without distortion. Image stitching is the process of combining multiple images of the same scene with overlapping parts to produce a seamless panoramic or high-resolution image combining the field of view of all images

Primary LanguagePython


Panorama is basically a photograph stretched horizontally without distortion. Image stitching is the process of combining multiple images of the same scene with overlapping parts to produce a seamless panoramic or high-resolution image combining the field of view of all images

Table of contents

Problem Statement

You must have come across the panorama mode in your smartphones for capturing wide-angle view of a physical scene. In this assignment, you will implement the same using the principles of feature matching, RANSAC, homography matrix, warping, and blending.


Image stitching is the process of combining multiple images of the same scene with over overlapping parts to produce a seamless panoramic or high-resolution image combining the field of view of all images.


We were provided with 6 scenes each containing 5-6 images. The dataset can be viewed here.


The project uses Python >= 3.6

Other technologies used

  • OpenCV
  • NumPy

Mathematical Aspects

1. Common Feature Detection

Feature Extraction: Is the process of extracting some feature that are distinguishible in the image. This process is done using ORB Feature Extractor. ORB is inbuilt in OpenCV and performs the task that is otherwise done using SIFT or SURF Feature Descriptors.

Feature Matching: Using Brute Force Matcher, similiar features that are extracted using the feature extractor are matched. This gives us pair of cordinates of similar features, corresponding to each image.

2. Calculating Homography

RANSAC: To calculate an approximate homography between the images, we perform Random Sampling Consesus (RANSAC). This algorithm calculates the homography based on randomly chosen features and then takes a consensus based on the inliers of the homography. Finally the best homography is the one that has the most inliers.

3. Warping of Images

The images are transformed/warped according to the calculated homography matrix.

4. Blending of Images

We blend the images using Image Pyramids. This is done using stacking of Laplacian Pyramids and finally reconstructing the image from these pyramids.