Warden is a discord bot for the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord Server.
- Clone the repository to your system
- Create a Discord Server for Testing
- Create a Discord Bot and Invite it to your Test Server (Make sure it has read/write permissions in your text channels)
- Run the SETUP.ps1 file in Powershell (Run as Admin if you have any issues)
- Follow the prompts and enter the Bot TOKEN.
- Start the bot using
npm start
in command line or terminal.
https://discordjs.guide/preparations/setting-up-a-bot-application.html#creating-your-bot https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/setting-up-google-cloud-vision-api-with-node-js-db29d1b6fbe2
To create a new command, make a new .js file in one of the subfolders, and copy the necessary module.exports content into it. ducc.js is a great example command.
Note: Commands will ONLY be loaded if they are in a subfolder. Any command file not in a subfolder will cause the command handler to fail.