
Discord Bot for the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord Server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ESLint Scan Security Scan

Warden is a discord bot for the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord Server.

AXI Discord


  1. Clone the repository to your system
  2. Create a Discord Server for Testing
  3. Create a Discord Bot and Invite it to your Test Server (Make sure it has read/write permissions in your text channels)
  4. Run the SETUP.ps1 file in Powershell (Run as Admin if you have any issues)
  5. Follow the prompts and enter the Bot TOKEN.
  6. Start the bot using npm start in command line or terminal.

Useful Links

https://discordjs.guide/preparations/setting-up-a-bot-application.html#creating-your-bot https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/setting-up-google-cloud-vision-api-with-node-js-db29d1b6fbe2

Creating a new command

To create a new command, make a new .js file in one of the subfolders, and copy the necessary module.exports content into it. ducc.js is a great example command.

Note: Commands will ONLY be loaded if they are in a subfolder. Any command file not in a subfolder will cause the command handler to fail.