
A basic Compiler for Gforth written in Go

Primary LanguageGo

GForth Compiler

minor GForth compiler written in Go.

Supported Architectures

  • x64

GForth functionalities can be checked https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/forth/

How to build the compiler

  • Install Go version <= 1.21.1
  • run make

It will build the forth compiler that is written with Go. It gives you an executable with the name mf.

How to test the language

  • mf ./samples/test1.mf it will compile this file and give you and executable with the same name test1
  • Then run it ./test1

What's to Come

  • More functionality in the language
  • More Parameters in the CLI
  • Writing test suites

Happy Forthing

Supported Operations

Take each line as a clean slate

  • Stack push Eg: 1 2 3
  • Stack print 1 2 3 -> <3> 1 2 3 ok
  • Stack Pop and print 1 2 3 . -> 3 ok
  • Arithmetic Operation Addition 1 2 + . -> 3 ok
  • Arithmetic Operation Subtraction 1360 23 - . -> 1337 ok
  • Arithmetic Operation Multiplication 6 7 * . -> 42 ok
  • Keyword Operation Negation 99 negate . -> -99 ok
  • Keyword Operation Absolute -99 abs . -> 99 ok
  • Keyword Operation Maximum 52 26 max . -> 52 ok
  • Keyword Operation Minimum 52 26 min . -> 26 ok
  • Keyword Operation Duplication 3 dup .s -> <2> 3 3 ok
  • Keyword Operation Swap 3 5 swap .s -> <2> 5 3 ok
  • Keyword Operation Rotate 6 5 4 rot .s -> <3> 4 5 6 ok
  • Keyword Operation Nip 6 5 4 nip .s -> <2> 6 4 ok
  • Keyword Operation Tuck 1 2 3 4 tuck .s -> <5> 1 2 4 3 4 ok
  • Keyword Operation Over 1 2 3 4 over .s -> <5> 1 2 3 4 3 ok