
Base on Longhorn-rocketry / sac2020-fsw, An updated version to fot with the UNC 1.0 flight computer board

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Based on Longhorn-rocketry / sac2020-fsw, An updated version to fit with the UNC 1.0 flight computer board


2024-01-03 Fork Created and looking to Fix compile error and Move the code to a Teensy 4.1 (Unified into 1 Teensy 4.1)

  • Todo
    • Update to lates version of Photic (1st Priority)
    • Unified code of Main and Auxiliary Computer to run on 1 teensy 4.1
    • (1st alpha commit done) Add support for AltIMU-10 v6 Gyro, Accelerometer, Compass, and Altimeter (LSM6DSO, LIS3MDL, and LPS22DF Carrier)
    • Add support for more GPS (ATGM336H-5N31, Adafruit Ultimate GPS, NMEA)
    • Add config file for Hardware available (select hardware to use)
    • Maybe add a Web page to see the rocket status
    • Add support to display rocket status on an Oled or ePaper ( When running Bench test )
    • Add support for 6 pyros (Primer and backup)
    • Add support for 10 Servos (For Canard fins, Moterize Parashut deployment, Air break Deployment, and more.)
    • Add More Documentation
    • Add support for the UNC RC 1.1 Flight computer (or Newer)
    • Add a Deploy Package ( Future Project to deploy an edf rocket in the form of a MARS or MOON Lander)
    • Update Data logger to support 50000 transactions per sec
    • Add support for Battery voltage test
    • Add support for the main Arming Security Switch
    • Add support for Pyro Arming Security Switch in series with Main Arming
    • Add support for Continuity testing with 3 states ( Fault No Pyro, Good Pyro Available, Shorted ) <<<<<<< HEAD
    • A file base configuration
    • Validation of Hardwere configuration
    • Option to same log in flight to flash and copy to SD when landed or only SD =======
    • A file base configuration (PIN definition, Module on or off, Bench test mode, or Flight mode)
    • Option to save logs in flight to flash and then copy to SD when landed or only to SD
    • Smaller Microcode footprint
    • Add fault tolerance
    • Add an error logging to a file with detailed info(option on or off)
    • Add a descriptive header to each function/Procedure with a description of what it does. Detailed detail on the variable, the Version number of the function/Procedure
    • each procedure must return a status and or error code with details of the problem


  • add an option to display the rocket status on the launchpad and after a flight on the I2C Oled screen
  • find and cleanup bottleneck

To boldly go where no Model Rocket has gone before?

Computer Schema

Main Computer

  • Teensy 4.1
  • Tracks vehicle state with BNO055 IMU and BMP085 barometer or Altimu10-v6
  • Deploys forward canards
  • Fires recovery pyros
  • Operates GPS <<<<<<< HEAD
  • Operates RadioHead RF95 module communicating with the ground station
  • Stores telemetry on the onboard SD card and in flash


  • Operates Radiohead RF95 module communicating with the ground station
  • Stores telemetry on the onboard SD card
  • Send telemetry to the base station with Lora


Arduino Dependencies