The Team

Justine DELOMENIE Gautier DERVAUX Armand PERON Mohammed SAEED

Below are instructions on how to use the code : bold parts are command lines you have to write on the robot.

Step 1 : Download the code Just click on the button clone or download (at the top of this page) and copy the link given. Turn on the robot and connect it to internet thanks to your computer. Then, on the robot write **git clone https://github.com/justineDelo/OS_JuMAnGy.git ** (this is the link you have just copied).

Step 2 : Compile it Go into the cloned directory then cd regroupedCode. make MainCompetitionSmallStadium make MainCompetitionBigStadium

Step 3 : The server In order to be able to see the final map and to have the communication with the server works, you have to download the server code from here : https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/ludovic.apvrille/OS_Robot_Project_Fall2017 and launch it on your computer. Then start a game with the Team JuMAnGy. At the end of the game the map will be a png you can find in the directory whith the server code.

Step 4 : Launch the program and observe the robot : - to do the cartography of the small stadium ./MainCompetitionSmallStadium - to do the cartography of the big stadium ./MainCompetitionBigStadium

Step 5 : Have fun !