
Docker compose file to run web server with nginx, mysql, redis, php7, phpmyadmin and ...

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Docker compose file to run web server with nginx, mysql, redis, php7, phpmyadmin and ...

it's a best and easiest way to up a complete development envirment with latest version of:

  • php 7
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • PhpMyadmin
  • nginx

##usage if you have not install docker at first install it then install docker-compose and finally in source directory (where docker-compose file is) run:

docker-compose up -d

after run it you can use phpmyadmin on: http://localhost:8080/

and login with server name: db user name: db_user and password: 123456

if you want edit this configs you can edit this line in docker-compose.yml file:

    • MYSQL_PASSWORD=123456
    • MYSQL_DATABASE=docker_db
    • MYSQL_USER=db_user

remember that you can change nginx config with edit default.conf file.

if you want update them again you can use this commands:

#to update mysql
docker pull mysql

#to update phpmyadmin
docker pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

#to update php-redis
docker pull redis

#to update php7 and related extensions
docker pull mehrdadkhah/php7

#to update nginx
docker pull nginx

use composer

docker exec php7 php composer.phar [command]