
Configuration reader library for Go

Primary LanguageGo



Service initiation

if duration == 0 config refresh loop will not been started

duration validation is not provided, so this is entirely your responsibility, keep in mind that too small an interval can lead to unforeseen consequences

// turn on logging, by default turned off
libConfig.Verbose = true
// refresh interval
duration := 1 * time.Minute
// get service instance
service := libConfig.NewConfigService(duration)
// start service
valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, cb, reader)

ENV reader

import (

    libConfig "github.com/MiG-21/go-lib-config"

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    // refresh config per 1 minute
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    reader := libConfig.NewEnvReader()
    // this callback will be called on every config update
    cb = func(err error) {
        // some error handler
    if valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, cb, reader); err != nil {
        // some error handler
    defer service.Stop()

Vault reader by token

import (

    libConfig "github.com/MiG-21/go-lib-config"

func defaultPathFormatter(secret string) string {
    parts := []string{"secret", "data"}
    parts = append(parts, strings.Trim(secret, "/"))
    return strings.Join(parts, "/")

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    vaultConfig := libConfig.NewVaultApiConfig(vaultAddress, false)
    auth := libConfig.NewVaultTokenAuth("token", vaultConfig)
    vault := libConfig.NewStorageVault(auth, "data")
    reader := libConfig.NewVaultReaderWithFormatter(vault, defaultPathFormatter)
    if valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, nil, reader); err != nil {
        // some error handler
    defer service.Stop()

Vault reader by K8s

import (

    libConfig "github.com/MiG-21/go-lib-config"

func defaultPathFormatter(secret string) string {
    parts := []string{"secret", "data"}
    parts = append(parts, strings.Trim(secret, "/"))
    return strings.Join(parts, "/")

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    vaultConfig := libConfig.NewVaultApiConfig(vaultAddress, false)
    auth := libConfig.NewVaultK8sAuth("vault address", "auth endpoint", "token path", "role", vaultConfig)
    vault := libConfig.NewStorageVault(auth, "data")
    reader := libConfig.NewVaultReaderWithFormatter(vault, defaultPathFormatter)
    if valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, nil, reader); err != nil {
        // some error handler
    defer service.Stop()

Assigning validator

Validator should implement interface

type Validator interface {
    Validate(i interface{}) error


import (

    libConfig "github.com/MiG-21/go-lib-config"

// Validator wrapper example
type Validator struct {
    validator *validator.Validate

func (cv *Validator) Validate(i interface{}) error {
    return cv.validator.Struct(i)

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    // assign validator
    service.Validator = &Validator{validator: validator.New()}
    // ....

More than one reader

the priority of the readers is related to the order, each next is higher than the previous one, the last one has the highest priority

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    reader1 := Reader1{}
    reader2 := Reader2{}
    if valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, nil, reader1, reader2); err != nil {
        // some error handler

Custom reader

Custom reader can be implemented in accordance with interface Reader

type Reader interface {
    Read(metas []StructMeta) error


type CustomReader struct {


func (r *CustomReader) Read(metas []StructMeta) error {
    // some implementation

func (r *CustomReader) Stop() {
    // some implementation

func main() {
    var cfg Config
    service := libConfig.NewConfigService(1 * time.Minute)
    reader := CustomReader{}
    if valid, err := service.Start(&cfg, nil, reader); err != nil {
        // some error handler
    defer service.Stop()

Custom logger

LibLogger = func(i ...interface{}) {
	// custom implementation

Custom field setter

To implement a custom value setter you need to add a SetValue function to your type that will receive a string raw value

type Setter interface {
    SetValue(string) error


type (
	Foo int

func (f *Foo) SetValue(value string) error {
    v, err := strconv.ParseInt(value, 10, 32)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    *f = Foo(v * 3)
    return nil

func main() {
    cfg := &struct {
        F Foo `env:"SOME_VAR"`