
A guide to "prevent" tearing on Optimus laptop (nothing here is guaretee to work).

Some args to limit Nvidia Tearing :

These args can be used on Lutris or on Flatseal for flatpaks. it works also in softwares if you add these lines before.




Gamemode :

You can also add this line to gamemode if you want to use the GPU when gamemode is in use.

in /etc/environment


Nvidia modprobe.d :

This might help the driver to be a bit less laggy.

In /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf add options nvidia-drm modeset=1

Then update initramfs :

On some distro : sudo update-initramfs -u

On fedora : sudo dracut --force

On Silverblue : rpm-ostree initramfs-etc --force-sync

Nvidia Settings :

Go in the Nvidia Settings application

Capture d’écran du 2022-11-18 23-52-41

Then go to application profile and click on the + icon :

Capture d’écran du 2022-11-18 23-52-41

Select Always applie and new profile

Capture d’écran du 2022-11-18 23-55-45

Add GLSyncToVblank and set it to true

if you have GSYNC also add GLGSYNCAllowed and set it to true.

Capture d’écran du 2022-11-18 23-53-23

Save everything with the plus and I would recomand to reboot.

Crash fix (works sometimes it depends IDK nvidia's mystery...)

Wayland crash a few hours after blackscreen or freezed image

Just edit in /etc/gdm/custom.conf and uncomment #WaylandEnabled=false and set it to true

And remember :
