-- Arcade: Traverse USA by Dar ported to MiSTer
-- Support screen and controls rotation on HDMI output.
-- Only controls are rotated on VGA output.
-- Keyboard inputs :
--   F1          : Coin + Start 1 player
--   F2          : Coin + Start 2 players
--   F5          : Skip the level
--   SPACE,CTRL  : Action
--   LEFT,RIGHT arrows : Movements
--   space       : gas
--   ctrl        : brake
-- MAME/IPAC/JPAC Style Keyboard inputs:
--   5           : Coin 1
--   6           : Coin 2
--   1           : Start 1 Player
--   2           : Start 2 Players
--   R,F,D,G     : Player 2 Movements
--   A           :  Player 2 gas
--   S           :  Player 2 brake
-- Joystick support.
                                *** Attention ***

ROMs are not included. In order to use this arcade, you need to provide the
correct ROMs.

To simplify the process .mra files are provided in the releases folder, that
specifies the required ROMs with checksums. The ROMs .zip filename refers to the
corresponding file of the M.A.M.E. project.

Please refer to https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki/Arcade-Roms for
information on how to setup and use the environment.

Quickreference for folders and file placement:

/_Arcade/<game name>.mra
/_Arcade/cores/<game rbf>.rbf
/_Arcade/mame/<mame rom>.zip
/_Arcade/hbmame/<hbmame rom>.zip

-- DE10_lite Top level for Traverse USA by Dar (darfpga@aol.fr) (16/03/2019)
-- http://darfpga.blogspot.fr
-- Educational use only
-- Do not redistribute synthetized file with roms
-- Do not redistribute roms whatever the form
-- Use at your own risk
-- Use traverse_usa_de10_lite.sdc to compile (Timequest constraints)
-- /!\
-- Don't forget to set device configuration mode with memory initialization 
--  (Assignments/Device/Pin options/Configuration mode)
-- Main features :
--  PS2 keyboard input @gpio pins 35/34 (beware voltage translation/protection) 
--  Audio pwm output   @gpio pins 1/3 (beware voltage translation/protection) 
--  Video         : 15Khz/31Khz
--  Cocktail mode : OK
--  Sound         : OK
-- For hardware schematic see my other project : NES.
-- Uses 1 pll for 36MHz and 3.58MHz generation from 50MHz
-- Board key :
--   0 : reset game
-- Keyboard players inputs :
--   F3 : Add coin
--   F2 : Start 2 players
--   F1 : Start 1 player
--   SPACE       : Fire  
--   RIGHT arrow : turn right
--   LEFT  arrow : turn left
--   UP    arrow : speed up 
--   DOWN  arrow : speed down
-- Other details : see traverse_usa.vhd
-- For USB inputs and SGT5000 audio output see my other project: xevious_de10_lite
-- Traverse USA by Dar (darfpga@aol.fr) (16/03/2019)
-- http://darfpga.blogspot.fr
-- gen_ram.vhd & io_ps2_keyboard
-- Copyright 2005-2008 by Peter Wendrich (pwsoft@syntiac.com)
-- http://www.syntiac.com/fpga64.html
-- T80/T80se - Version : 0247
-- Z80 compatible microprocessor core
-- Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Daniel Wallner (jesus@opencores.org)
-- cpu68 - Version 9th Jan 2004 0.8
-- 6800/01 compatible CPU core 
-- GNU public license - December 2002 : John E. Kent
-- YM2149 (AY-3-8910)
-- Copyright (c) MikeJ - Jan 2005
-- Educational use only
-- Do not redistribute synthetized file with roms
-- Do not redistribute roms whatever the form
-- Use at your own risk

--  Features :
--   Video        : TV 15KHz/31KHz
--   Coctail mode : OK
--   Sound        : OK

--  Use with MAME roms from travusa.zip
--  Use make_travusa_proms.bat to build vhd file from binaries
--  (CRC list included)

--  Traverse USA (irem M52) Hardware caracteristics :
--  VIDEO : 1xZ80@3MHz CPU accessing its program rom, working ram,
--    sprite data ram, I/O, sound board register and trigger.
--		  32Kx8bits program rom
--    One char tile map 64x32 with H scrolling (32x32 visible)
--      8Kx24bits graphics rom 3bits/pixel
--      8colors per tile / 16 color sets
--      rbg palette 128 colors 8bits : 2red 3green 3blue
--    72 sprites / line, 16x16 with flip H/V
--    (schematics seems too allow only 24 sprites / line with bank switch
--     at mid screen. This doesn't allow showing all needed sprite)
--      8Kx24bits graphics rom 3bits/pixel
--      8colors per sprite / 32 color sets among 16 colors;
--      rbg palette 16 colors 8bits : 2red 3green 3blue
--    Working ram : 4Kx8bits
--    Sprites data ram : 256x8bits
--    Sprites line buffer rams : 1 scan line delay flip/flop 2x256x4bits
--  SOUND : 1x6803@3.58MHz CPU accessing its program rom, working ram, 2x-AY3-8910, 1xMSM5205
--		  4Kx8bits program rom
--      128x8bits working ram
--      1xAY-3-8910
--		I/O to MSM5205 and command/trigger from video board.
--		3 sound channels
--      1xAY-3-8910
--		3 sound channels
--  Schematics remarks :
--	Frame is 384 x 282 (H x V) which is too much lines for standard TV set (262.5 lines)
--	This create a display artefact near end of frame since already entering composite 
--	sync egalisation pulses. Line number cannot be reduced since CPU need enough fly back
--	time to update every sprites position. (Reducing line count will result in missing sprites)
--	May be this can be achieved by increasing CPU clock speed (web site and MAME report 4Mhz)
-- 	My  M52-A schematic clearly shows 18.432/6.
--	=> I give more CPU time to access sprite ram data by allowing CPU access as soon as video
--	scanner V is outside the sprite zone i.e. outside the scroling part of screen (which
--	depends on the flip screen state).
--	Moreover M52-B schematic doesn't show to allow seeking more than 24 sprites data per
--	line from :
--		- C820 to C87F for half upper screen (vertical)
--		- C8A0 to C8FF for half lower screen (vertical)
--	But, at beginning of the game, during starting count downto, 5 cars are diplayed +
--	moto + count down numbers. At least some sprite cars data comes not only from 
--	C820-C87F but also from C920 to C97F. Which involves at least 2 sprite data regions 
--	for the same half part of the screen (see cars numbered 0 and 3).
--	=> I modify the sprite data address scanner to allow 3 regions to be scanned at each line
--	(C820-C87F, C8A0-C8FF and C920-C97F). My first design was with a 12MHz master clock to
--	allow 1 read and 1 write access to sprite line buffer ram at each pixel (6Mhz). This
--	permit only one sprite data region to be scanned at each line. The master clock was 
--	increased from 12Mhz to	36Mhz and desing modified to allow 3 sprite data regions to be
--	scanned at each line.

; Fitter Summary                                                                   ;
; Fitter Status                      ; Successful - Sat Mar 16 11:45:10 2019       ;
; Quartus Prime Version              ; 18.1.0 Build 625 09/12/2018 SJ Lite Edition ;
; Revision Name                      ; traverse_usa_de10_lite                      ;
; Top-level Entity Name              ; traverse_usa_de10_lite                      ;
; Family                             ; MAX 10                                      ;
; Device                             ; 10M50DAF484C6GES                            ;
; Timing Models                      ; Preliminary                                 ;
; Total logic elements               ; 5,181 / 49,760 ( 10 % )                     ;
;     Total combinational functions  ; 4,944 / 49,760 ( 10 % )                     ;
;     Dedicated logic registers      ; 1,390 / 49,760 ( 3 % )                      ;
; Total registers                    ; 1390                                        ;
; Total pins                         ; 105 / 360 ( 29 % )                          ;
; Total virtual pins                 ; 0                                           ;
; Total memory bits                  ; 766,976 / 1,677,312 ( 46 % )                ;
; Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements ; 0 / 288 ( 0 % )                             ;
; Total PLLs                         ; 1 / 4 ( 25 % )                              ;
; UFM blocks                         ; 0 / 1 ( 0 % )                               ;
; ADC blocks                         ; 0 / 2 ( 0 % )                               ;

VHDL File list 

max10_pll_36p86M_3p58M.vhd         Pll 36.86MHz and 3.58MHz from 50MHz altera mf

rtl_dar/traverse_usa_de10_lite.vhd  Top level for de10_lite board
rtl_dar/traverse_usa.vhd            Main video board logic
rtl_dar/moon_patrol_sound_board.vhd Main sound board logic

rtl_mikej/YM2149_linmix.vhd        Copyright (c) MikeJ - Jan 2005
rtl6_jkent/cpu68.vhd               GNU public license - December 2002 : John E. Kent

rtl_T80/T80se.vhdT80               Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Daniel Wallner (jesus@opencores.org)

rtl_dar/kbd_joystick.vhd           Keyboard key to player/coin input
rtl_dar/io_ps2_keyboard.vhd        Copyright 2005-2008 by Peter Wendrich (pwsoft@syntiac.com)
rtl_dar/gen_ram.vhd                Generic RAM (Peter Wendrich + DAR Modification)
rtl_dar/decodeur_7_seg.vhd         7 segments display decoder

rtl_dar/proms/travusa_cpu.vhd          PROMS

Quartus project files
de10_lite/traverse_usa_de10_lite.sdc   Timequest constraints file
de10_lite/traverse_usa_de10_lite.qsf   de10_lite settings (files,pins...) 
de10_lite/traverse_usa_de10_lite.qpf   de10_lite project

Required ROMs (Not included)
You need the following 14 ROMs binary files from travusa.zip (MAME)

zr1-0.m3     CRC(be066c0a) 
zr1-5.l3     CRC(145d6b34) 
zr1-6a.k3    CRC(e1b51383) 
zr1-7.j3     CRC(85cd1a51)
mr10.1a      CRC(a02ad8a0)
zippyrac.001 CRC(aa8994dd)
mr8.3c       CRC(3a046dd1)
mr9.3a       CRC(1cc3d3f4)
zr1-8.n3     CRC(3e2c7a6b)
zr1-9.l3     CRC(13be6a14)
zr1-10.k3    CRC(6fcc9fdb)
mmi6349.ij   CRC(c9724350)
tbp18s.2     CRC(a1130007)
tbp24s10.3   CRC(76062638)

You need to build vhdl files from the binary file :
 - Unzip the roms file in the tools/travusa_unzip directory
 - Double click (execute) the script tools/make_travusa_proms.bat to get the following files



VHDL files are needed to compile and include roms into the project 

The script make_travusa_proms.bat uses make_vhdl_prom executables delivered both in linux and windows version. The script itself is delivered only in windows version (.bat) but should be easily ported to linux.

Source code of make_vhdl_prom.c is also delivered.

Compiling for de10_lite
You can build the project with ROM image embeded in the sof file.

3 steps

 - put the VHDL ROM files (.vhd) into the rtl_dar/proms directory
 - build travusa_de10_lite
 - program travusa_de10_lite.sof

End of file