This app will automatically update your MakeMKV beta key. The key for MakeMKV changes every month and you have to go to the website to find the new key, And sometimes the keys can takes a few days to be posted, so i made this app to add the new key when its updated.
You can download it from the release section on the right
Or you can download it from a direct link from GitHub here
You shouln't need anything to run this on Windows, you should have .NET runtimes pre installed.
If not you will need to download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from the Microsoft website here.
If you decide to use the standalone-python script you will need Python 3.10 installed and your path set.
🌐How to set your PATH on Windows
All credit goes to the person behind MakeMKV, Im just lazy and wanted a easy way to add the new key.
Make sure you check out and buy a licence to keep this app going!
I do not claim to own anything.
Sorry, but I do not maintain the keys. The keys are normally updated on the first of the month BUT they can take longer. Sometimes the keys are not posted by the owner of MakeMKV for a few days.
If your key isn't updating, try the update app again tomorrow or in a few days.
Don't worry this is because its not signed, i don't know how to do that. Click "MORE INFO" and then click "Run Anyway", again all the source is on GitHub so you can check the source for anything that shouldn't be.
I've never made an app in my life, this was my first try. I think it's because i've included everything that Python needs without you needing to install Python. But mostly it's because i know nothing and i'm sure if i had skill, it could be made smaller.
That's fine, i've included all the code so you can check it for your self. You don't need to run the .exe the easiest way to update your MakeMKV key you can use the standalone-python script, which again you can check the source code here on GitHub to make sure nothing is going on.
But basically this GUI is a simple windows form that uses a button to call the python script, run it and then update the gui to tell the user its finished.
Like this script? you could always buy me a coffee. Donations are never expected! but always appreciated.