
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Clean Configurable Toasts For Angular



  • Created using Angular Material CDK portals
  • Toasts animations via Angular Reusable Animation
  • Clean layout with two main themes: light & dark
  • Easily configurable timing & positioning
  • AoT compilation and lazy loading compatible
  • System JS/UMD rollup bundle
  • Styles provided in both css and scss formats

Installation & Setup

To install copy line below to your command line
npm i hd-toast-lib --save
There are several ways to setup styling:
  • copy main.scss or main.css from the lib styles folder to your project's folder

  • if using sass in your main.scss file add @import '~hd-toast-lib/styles/main'

  • if using angular-cli in your angular.json file

      "styles": [
        "node_modules/hd-toast-lib/styles/main.scss"  //add this path


Add HdToastModule to your AppModule
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { HdToastModule } from 'hd-toast-lib';

  imports: [
export class AppModule { }
Add HdToastService to your Component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HdToastService } from 'hd-toast-lib';

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private toast: HdToastService) { }
  errorAlert() {
    this.toast.error('Something happened...', 'Oops!');  // to render a toast with title
  infoAlert() {
    this.toast.error('Something happened...');  // to render a toast without title


To configure toast you can pass the config object as a third argument to HdToastService.success|info|warning|error() methods with optional presets:

Option Type Default Value Description
position string 'top-left' Position of a toast message: 'top-left' / 'top-right' / 'bottom-left' / 'bottom-right' / 'top-full-width' / 'bottom-full-width'
theme 'light' 'dark' 'top-left' Toast theming
tapToDispose boolean true Close a toast on click
closeIcon boolean false A close icon on a toast
disableTimeouts boolean false Disable all toast timeouts
timeout number 5000 Time in milliseconds for toast to render
extendedTimeout number 2000 Time for a toast to hide after a user hover
easeTime number 500 Time in ms for toast show/hide animation
maxToastsNumber number 0 Max toasts number on a page. Toasts will be queued. 0 is unlimited

Example of Individual Configuration

ToastService methods take next arguments: message, title, ConfigObject. Pass an options object to replace any default option.

this.toast.success('Goog news everyone...', 'Success!', {
  timeout: 3000,
  extendedTimeout: 1000,
  position: 'bottom-right',
  theme: 'dark'
ToastService methods return HdToastRef for a single toast:
interface HdToastRef {
  dismiss: () => void;  //dismiss a toast
  active: () => boolean;  //check whether a toast is shown or not