
Open Source iOS app to save and categorize tweets

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Brain Marks

This app has always been open source! It began with the Big Brain Hackathon and now during Hacktoberfest. It is available for free on the App Store. This app uses the Twitter API (v2 where possible) and AWS Amplify DataStore (soon to be removed).

Getting Started

  • You will need an API key from the Twitter API

  • If your feature/change requires changing the model you will need to know AWS Amplify DataStore - soon to be depreciated

  • Browse the open issues and comment which you would like to work on

    • A maintainer will assign that issue to you to indicate to others this issue is being worked on, to prevent overlapping work
    • You can only be assigned ONE issue at a time
  • Fork this repo

  • Clone your repo and move into that directory

  • Checkout a new branch (from the dev branch) to work on an issue:

    • git checkout -b issueNumber-feature-name
    • example: git checkout -b 134-french-localization
  • Follow CONTRIBUTING.md to setup the project.

  • Once you complete an issue: Open your forked repo in your browser and create a PR to the dev branch of this repository

Be sure to squash your commits into one single commit, how to do that shown here


To start contributing, review CONTRIBUTING.md. New contributors are always welcome to support this project. Issues labeled good-first-issue are great for beginners.

Please be sure to comment on an issue you'd like to work on and the maintainers will assign it to you!

Checkout any issue labeled hacktoberfest to start contributing


Made with contributors-img


This project is licensed under the MIT.