
Chess AI

Primary LanguagePython


This project aims at automatic Chess AI.

We implemented two versions of AI:

  • Cut, which can be launched by python3 chess_Auto.py.
  • Socrates, a little bit stronger AI, which can be launched by python2 socrates.py.
  • Socrates Ancient, a faster but much more stupid AI, which can be launched by python2 socretes_ancient.py.


  1. Python 2
  2. Python 3.5+
  3. Pypy 2
  4. Python Library -- python-chess
  5. TheChessBoard -- The platform of this AI competition. TheChessBoard Release

(suggested pip command for Chinese users:
pip --default-timeout=6000 install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple --upgrade python-chess(or pygame) )

If you can get across the Great Firewall, nothing could be your problem.


This repository is only for our project involved in a competition in AI course.

Because of we are all newbies in chess artificial intelligence, these AIs are far less developed and far less clever.