- 0
- 3
Uncaught Error
#273 opened by Doug-sps - 2
Composer requires php 8.1.0
#269 opened by pribis - 1
Chat alerts not perceivable/accessible
#272 opened by aachips - 11
Can't install on PHP 8.1
#271 opened by Akiracr - 1 offline?
#270 opened by woeterman94 - 6
Better button code
#268 opened by klodeckl - 1
Simple way to improve mobile view
#267 opened by tzeumer - 1
Question - How to contribuite
#266 opened by OdairPianta - 1
Name missing from the chat window if using a custom url and users aren't allowed to edit their name
#265 opened by effgarces - 1
Operator sees network timeout, new users don't show up in list, error.log gets swamped.
#262 opened by jmechnich - 2
Problems with 3rd party cookie under chrome
#261 opened by schnobbl - 4
Mattermost plugin
#260 opened by tzeumer - 2
Visitor with multiple tabs open spams staff side of chat with new location messages
#257 opened by tzeumer - 3
- 1
Captcha on history by email form
#255 opened by ajl199 - 1
Integration within Saasform
#254 opened by 0x0ece - 7
Query failed: Table 'mibew.plugin' doesn't exist
#253 opened by Hoerli1337 - 1
The way to store untranslated strings on the client side
#216 opened by faf - 4
Invitation in "text link" button
#239 opened by bocceli - 1
Improve the login user endpoint
#251 opened by kelsonthony - 1
Plugin or function to attach files in the chat?
#248 opened by Crock-Linux - 7
vierbergenlars\\SemVer\\SemVerException "Invalid Version: 7.3.14-1~deb10u1 [[7.3.14-1~deb10u1]]"
#246 opened by tocy13 - 1
Minified js cookie is deleted the wrong way
#245 opened by ventzie555 - 5
- 0
#243 opened - 1
Which group missed their chats?
#242 opened by tilkov - 5
Non-localizable strings
#240 opened by tilkov - 3
- 1 broken
#237 opened by adrelanos - 3
- 6
Feature request: auto-message visitor after x minutes without operator join
#231 opened by Bert-de-Jong - 5
GDPR Compliance
#227 opened by josemi-ca - 3
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
#236 opened by mercadeosyh - 4
Error installing Mibew
#232 opened by tushroy - 1
Project Enhancement - Logo Design
#233 opened by debpedrano - 8
Visitors cannot view our replies
#230 opened by noradwc - 12
Logo Proposal
#229 opened by loydjayme25 - 5
Logo usage
#226 opened by asham0 - 1
MibewTray for Windows
#225 opened by sssqqqq - 2
- 1
#223 opened by luhongbin - 3
ipad(apple) safari,where guest click start chat,can not open windows for talk.(ver3.1.0)
#222 opened by luhongbin - 3
Failed to create tables in Percona
#218 opened - 2
Remove Modules
#217 opened by GabrielDxgpx3 - 0
Security / Change or remove admin account
#210 opened by lordspace - 7
"Are you sure want to leave chat?" not translatable
#215 opened by aloxe - 2
Are there instructions how to customize the layout?
#211 opened by lordspace - 3
Error compiling mibew
#212 opened by jinmaxtor - 0
When close window, future windows can't be reduced
#209 opened by aloxe