
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Viverna Engine

Viverna is a simple C++17 framework I wrote for building cross-platform games for Windows, Linux and Android. As of now, it uses OpenGL 4.6 on Windows/Linux and OpenGL ES 3.2 on Android.


Install dependencies

To use Viverna, you'll need the following:

  • CMake
    • version 3.24 or later
  • Android SDK
    • ANDROID_HOME environment variable set to the SDK path
    • Android NDK

Make your game

  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/MicPret/Viverna.git
    • (or fork it)
  2. Edit Application.cpp in src/game
  3. Edit config.yaml to give your game a name


  • Desktop
    1. cmake --preset desktopDebug or cmake --preset desktopRelease; you might have to specify the generator with the -G flag (cmake --preset desktopDebug -G "Ninja")
    2. cmake --build build
    3. Your executable will be in the build folder
  • Android
    1. cd android
    2. Use the gradle wrapper to assemble the APK
      • Windows: .\gradlew.bat assembleDebug
      • Linux: ./gradlew assembleDebug
    3. Your APK will be in android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug
    4. If you want to directly install the APK instead of assembling it, you can pair and connect a device through adb in the platform-tools of the Android SDK and run installDebug instead of assembleDebug


Remember you need OpenGL 4.6 on desktop and OpenGL ES 3.2 on Android and have fun!

Screenshot of Snake demo Screenshot of Editor demo

Special thanks

This project depends on the following libraries: