
Universal Turing Machine made with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Turing Machine


This project is a turing machine made with ReactJS for academic purposes. It was uploaded to heroku then you can find it here


To run this turing machine you need

  • NodeJS 10^
  • NPM or Yarn

Config && Run

To run on your machine you must

  • Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/MicaelBarreto/react-turing-machine.git
  • Install packages:
npm install


yarn install
  • Run:
npm start


yarn start

Theory && Examples


The Turing Machine as the name says was idealized by Alan Turing and it is a machine that manipulates a strip of tape depending on some rules. On the formal definition of Turing Machine it is a 7-tuple of symbols with meanings that is:

  • Q: Set of states
  • Σ: Set of input symbols
  • Γ: Acceptable Tape symbols
  • q0: Start State
  • ∅: blank Symbol
  • F: Set of final states
  • δ: Set of transitions
