
My First Javascript Game. Developed while attending the IRONHACK Bootcamp

Primary LanguageCSS


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My First Javascript Game. Developed while attending the IRONHACK Bootcamp

The Alien Attack game that I've created is based on a simple idea, create a de-stressing interaction in which I combined killing bugs with my love for space related stuff.

I've really enjoyed building up the animations and the sounds that are in the game, as well as designing its interface, from the bugs creation to the logo.

Technologies Used


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • GETSKELETON (to be implemented in the next refactorings)
  • ANIMATE CSS (used for the some texts movements)



Approach taken

I've started thinking about how I wanted the interaction to be performed and what problems i could face and then I structured the functions that I wanted and start writing them down.

Initially I wanted the bugs to appear slowly in groups of odd numbers but as I did so I created more code bugs than I expected. This will be a feature that I will implement with some of the next refactorings.

Features Built

  • Intro page with audios and animations
  • Bugs to be killed within a countdown
  • Score of killed bugs ---- +100 points per bugs
  • Timer countdown ---- 30 seconds
  • Sounds on killing
  • Game Over + start again button screen
  • I win + start again button screen

Installation Instructions

The game is now available on computer screens. The commands implemented are the following:

  • PRESS SPACE to start game and pause music

  • CLICK ON BUG for killing

Unsolved problems

  • Check why on the win screen the play again button redirects to the local file instead of the url
  • Responsiveness for small and medium screens
  • Refactor code to make it more efficient
  • Clean the unused part of the code
  • Fix volume levels on all audios implementations
  • Stop the star wars start audio if the presentation gets skipped

Future implementations

  • Implement Levels
  • Make the animations work more smoothly
  • Implement gifs for the win/loose screens
  • Music on background of the Game with on off selector