A-Frame Jukebox

A-Frame Jukebox



A-Frame Jukebox provides a single declarative custom HTML tag approach creating a simple VR UI controlling a playlist of audio tracks. Clicking on the currently playing track stops the audio.

HTML Element Attributes API

Property Type Description Default Value
names array names of songs " Don't You Worry Bout a Thing
Jacob Collier , Fireflies
Owl City , One Life
Patrik Patrikios , Save Me
the Underground All Stars , Riders on the Storm
the Doors "
src array track numbers or urls of songs 159735657 , 5988210 , 'https://cdn.glitch.com/a4339379-3ed9-4b49-bced-16d8a59ee858%2FOne_Life.mp3?v=1576924357900' , 9645925 , 219569230
logo string logo 'https://cdn.glitch.com/b88fe5ca-4161-4b19-865e-cfabdd398fa7%2Faj_logo.png?v=1565976468386'
color string playlist font color '#D3FFE7'
highlight string playlist highlight color '#D3FFE7'
border string border color '#D3FFE7'
current string current song font color '#58E7F4'
heading string heading font color '#FFF'
scaletext number scale factor for text '1.0'
playthrough boolean play through all tracks true
initialdelay number milliseconds before start 5000
autoplay boolean autoplay setting false

Events API

Attach listeners to CS1.jukebox.audio.

Event Name event.detail
jukeboxplay {index:index}
jukeboxpause undefined

CS1.jukebox Object API

  • CS1.jukebox.audio
//exposes the underlying audio element 

const jukeboxStream = AFRAME.bgm.audio.captureStream();

jukeboxStream can then be run through an AnalyserNode, 
from where you can pull intensities for various frequency 
bands and use those values to animate colors, scales, and positions.
  • CS1.jukebox.pause()
  • CS1.jukebox.play(trackIndex)
  • CS1.jukebox.playNext()
  • CS1.jukebox.songNames
    • an array of song names
  • CS1.jukebox.tracks
    • an array of track numbers

Add the A-Frame Jukebox script in the HTML head:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/EricEisaman/aframe-jukebox@v0.1.15/dist/aframe-jukebox.min.js" ></script>

Add a default jukebox to your scene:

<a-jukebox position="0 1.7 -1.5"></a-jukebox>        
<a-entity id="rig" position="0 0 0">
  <a-camera id="camera" look-controls="pointerLockEnabled: true;" >
    <a-cursor material="color:#3AC4D1" 
              position="0 0 -0.6"
              raycaster="objects: .jukebox">

Add a custom jukebox to your scene:

names=" [ 'Love Theme from\nthe Godfather' , 'Cannon in D\nby Bach'] "
src='14837098 , 4595620'
position="0 1.7 -1.5"></a-jukebox>        
<a-entity id="rig" position="0 0 0">
  <a-camera id="camera" look-controls="pointerLockEnabled: true;" >
    <a-cursor material="color:#3AC4D1" 
              position="0 0 -0.6"
              raycaster="objects: .jukebox">