

<!-- * Probably want to map over this array and create some divs or li's showing 3 of the properties of the item
* Create a Link on each item so you can navigate to the detail page
* Create a button on each item so you can delete the item -->
<!-- * Bonus - use a drop down if there are a limited number of values for a property -->
<!-- * Register onChange for each input and use setState to store the information typed in -->
<!-- * Register onSubmit for the form.
* onSubmit call an action called createThing(change it to make sense for your model) Remember to connect this via mapDispatchToProps etc. -->
  • Create a page with a class based component that shows details of one thing (UserDetail)
    • Use a prop that has the array of your models
    • Use a parameter from the route path ?id= to find the model to show (See Routing section for more details)
    • Use whatever html you want to show all of the properties of your thing


  • For the basic routes without variables you can just use the next.js routes that are automatically generated.
  • For the routes that need data (for detail / update view the ID of the item for example), read the documentation on routing for Next.js Play around with the URLs, links and console.log in your own project to figure out how to get the URL parameter into your component.


* First create a minimum working example to setup redux within next.js, refer to example in next.js repository or last lessons video screencast
* The only state you need is an array of your models
    * state.js
<!-- * Create actions for loading your models and models loaded
    * loadThings() - do a fetch get to "/things"
    * thingsLoaded(things) - THINGS_LOADED -->
<!-- * Create an action for saving a new model
    * createThing(thing) - do a fetch post to "/things"
    * when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings -->
<!-- * Create an action for deleting an item
    * deleteThing(id) - do a fetch delete to "/things/" + id
    * when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings -->
<!-- * Create reducer for the state
    * care about the action THINGS_LOADED -->
* To connect your components to redux, use the withRedux decorator as described in the redux example in next.js repository. If you need to create Containers in components further down in your component tree, create containers as usual.
    * mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps
    * The list component container should mapStateToProps for the array of things
    * The list component container should mapDispatchToProps for the deleteThing action
    * The new thing component container should mapDispatchToProps for the saveThingAction
    * The individual pages should mapDispatchToProps for loadThings to get your initial data.

Server - use advanced-express-practice as an example



  • When I yarn start, the web page loads with no errors - 10pts
  • I can navigate to the list and create screen from links - 10pts
  • I can enter information into the create screen and click save. If I go back to the list screen, that new information is there. - 20pts
  • If I go to the list screen it will show all current existing information - 20pts
  • The list screen has a view link for each item. If I click that link the detail screen appears. The details of the item are shown. - 20pts
  • If I click the delete button on the list, the item I clicked will be removed from the list - 20pts

Extra Credit

  • Edit Component
    • Create a component to edit your things. It will be almost the same as the create component.
    • Use a prop that has the array of your models
    • Use a parameter from the route path ?id= to find the model to show
    • Populate the properties of the model into the inputs
    • onSubmit populate the information from state back into the model, call a prop function called updateThing(thing)
  • Create a container for the edit component
    • mapsStateToProps for the array of models
    • mapDispatchToProps for an action updateThing
  • Create an action updateThing(thing)
    • do a fetch put to "/things/" + thing._id
    • when the fetch is complete, dispatch to loadThings
  • Add a page to the edit container with a variable ?id=
  • In the list components, add a Link for the edit route.


  • Create the edit component by reusing the create component