
  • From address book directory, run yarn install, yarn start


  • Import the array of users into index.js
  • Create a folder in src called components to hold all our components
  • Create the UserDetail and ListOfUsers functional components
  • Import and use components in App
  • Send the user array into Apps and then into ListOfUsers
  • Send the first user from the array down into the UserDetail component

Favorites list: COMPLETE

  • Create another list of users with the headline "Selected users" next to the other list
  • Initially, this list should show "No users selected"
  • Add a button to the existing list of users with the label "Select user"
  • When you click on that button, the user should be removed from the original user list and should be moved to the "Selected users" list
  • In the "Selected users" list you should then see the users with a button "Deselect user"
  • On click on "Deselect user" the user should be moved back
  • Add a button that resets the whole application to its initial state (no page reload allowed)