
Let's get some practice on creating redux actions and using them with reducers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Make sure to do one thing at a time, save and refresh to check for errors


  • Create Reducers in reducers/index.js
  • Look at state.js and create a reducer for each piece of state
  • Remember reducers take 2 parameters: state, and action
  • Remember to give state a default value appropriate for what type it is in the reducer. Number, string, array, object
  • Remember to return state if the reducer doesn't care about the action
  • You will need to decide which reducer cares about which action type
  • Combine reducers and export

Make these reducers

  • currentCount
    • if "INCREASE_COUNTER" of "DECREASE_COUNTER" should return the current count plus one or minus one, depending on the action
  • specialText
    • if "SET_SPECIAL_TEXT" should return the action value~~
  • currentCity
    • if "SET_CURRENT_CITY" should return the action value
  • users
    • if "REMOVE_USER" OR "ADD_USER" should return slice(1) to remove the first user or [...state,action.value] to add a user
  • currentTemp
    • if "SET_TEMP" should return action value
  • isLoading
    • if "SET_IS_LOADING" should return action value
  • videoURL
    • if "SET_VIDEO_URL" should return action value
  • searchText
    • if "SET_SEARCH_TEXT" should return action value
  • currentUserSort
    • if "SET_CURRENT_USER_SORT" should return action value
  • videoScale
    • if "SET_VIDEO_SCALE" should return action value

Create Actions in actions/index.js

  • increaseCounter()
    • type = "INCREASE_COUNTER"
  • decreaseCounter()
    • type = "DECREASE_COUNTER"
  • setSpecialText(text)
    • type = "SET_SPECIAL_TEXT"
    • value = text
  • removeUser()
    • type = "REMOVE_USER"
  • addUser(user)
    • type = "ADD_USER"
    • value = user
  • setSearchText(text)
    • type = "SET_SEARCH_TEXT"
    • value = text
  • setIsLoading(isLoading)
    • type = "SET_IS_LOADING"
    • value = isLoading
  • setTemp(temp)
    • type = "SET_TEMP"
    • value = temp
  • setCurrentCity(city)
    • type = "SET_CURRENT_CITY"
    • value = city
  • setVideoURL(URL)
    • type = "SET_VIDEO_URL"
    • value = URL
  • setCurrentUserSort(sort)
    • type = "SET_CURRENT_USER_SORT"
    • value = sort
  • setVideoScale(scale)
    • type = "SET_VIDEO_SCALE"
    • value = scale

Create Store

  • Create a store.js file
  • Import state from state.js
  • import createStore from redux
  • import reducers from reducers
  • create the store
  • export the store

Provide store to components

  • In index.js
  • Import Provider from react-redux
  • Import store from store.js
  • Use Provider component to wrap App
  • Make sure there is no whitespace between Provider and App
  • Give Provider a prop “store” and the value of the store


  • We need to leave the components alone and create containers
  • In the container folder, create a container file for each component i.e. SpecialTextContainer.js
  • Import the appropriate component into the container file
  • This is where the connect function and the actions should be imported
  • This is where mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps should be
  • This is where you should do the connecting
  • Export the container

Create these Containers that care about what the data is

  • Import connect from react-redux into all containers
  • Import the appropriate component into the container
  • Create mapStateToProps function
  • Call the connect function
  • SpecialTextContainer.js
    • map a prop called text to the state specialText
  • UsersContainer.js
    • map a prop called users to the state users
    • map a prop called firstNameFilter to the state searchText
    • map a prop called sortOn to the state currentUserSort
  • CounterContainer.js
    • map a prop called count to the state currentCount
  • CurrentCityContainer.js
    • map a prop called text to the state currentCity
  • ThermostatContainer.js
    • map a prop called temp to the state currentTemp
  • VideoPlayerContainer.js
    • map a prop called URL to the state videoURL
    • map a prop called scale to the state videoScale
  • ModalContainer.js
    • map a prop called isLoading to the state isLoading

Create these Containers that care about changing the data

  • Import the connect function from react-redux
  • create mapDispatchToProps
  • connect the component so that it becomes a container
  • export container
  • SpecialTextBoxContainer.js
    • import setSpecialText action
    • map prop set to action setSpecialText
  • UserButtonsContainer.js
    • import addUser and removeUser action
    • map prop add to action addUser
    • map prop remove to action removeUser
  • CityDropDownContainer.js
    • import setCurrentCity action
    • map prop set to action setCurrentCity
  • CounterButtonContainer.js
    • import the increaseCounter and decreaseCounter actions
    • map prop increase to action increaseCounter
    • map prop decrees to action decreaseCounter
  • SearchTextBoxContainer.js
    • import setSearchText action
    • map prop set to action setSearchText
  • ChangeTemperatureContainer.js
    • import setTemp action
    • map prop set to action setTemp
  • VideoTextBoxContainer.js
    • import setVideoURL action
    • map prop set to action setVideoURL
  • SortUsersContainer.js
    • import setCurrentUserSort action
    • map prop set to action setCurrentUserSort
  • ScaleVideoContainer.js
    • import setVideoScale action
    • map prop set to action setVideoScale
  • ShowModalContainer.js
    • import setIsLoading action
    • map prop setIsLoading to action setIsLoadingShow
  • ModalContainer.js
    • import setIsLoading action
    • map prop setIsLoading to action setIsLoading


  • Change App.js
  • Use containers instead of components
  • Basically, just add the word Container everywhere a component is referenced