
  • From address book directory, run yarn install, yarn start


  • Import the array of users into index.js
  • Create a folder in src called components to hold all our components
  • Create the UserDetail and ListOfUsers functional components
  • Import and use components in App
  • Send the user array into Apps and then into ListOfUsers
  • Send the first user from the array down into the UserDetail component


  • Add a button to the ListOfUsers component that says Hide
  • Add an onClick to the button and a handler
  • Make clicking the button hide the list and change the text to “Show”
  • If you click it again it will show the list and change the text back to “Hide”


  • Change ListOfUsers to be a class component
  • Add a constructor
  • Add a property called “state” that is an object
  • Add a property on the state object called "visible"
  • Add a method called “render” that returns the jsx the function returned


  • Add text box anywhere to ListOfUsers with a label “Search”
  • In ListOfUsers add a state property “searchText”, default to “”
  • Assign searchText to the value attribute of the text box


  • Add onChange to text box
  • In onChange handler function, setState the searchText to the value from the textbox


  • Create a variable called currentUser in index.js.
  • Define a function in index.js called selectUser that will take a user as a parameter and then set that user as the currentUser.
  • Send this function down the child tree so that ListOfUsers can call it
  • Change index.js to send currentUser down the child tree instead of App.js hard coding the first one
  • Register click event for ListOfUsers view link, call the function sent into props by parents, supply the argument of whatever user was clicked on.
  • Re render the components