A simple open source shopping list app demo developed in Kotlin. As more ideas and features come along, I will enusre that I keep everyone updated. I did my best in ensuring that the codebase is easy to understand even for novice devs. At some point in time I will add Dagger Hilt into the mix 😊❤ . I hope this will one day help someone 😉.
The app uses Room Database to locally the store shopping data and Kotlin Coroutines where used to handle all the heavy load executions to the database
- Add a shopping list item
- Edit a shopping list item
- Remove/delete a shopping list by click on the dot buttons/picture on the bottom right of the item or by long pressing the item and dragging on the FAB button
- You can mark an item as complete
- Can peform calculate estimated total cost
- Can get total marked shopping items
- Switch between Default mode and Dark Mode depending on the system