
Manager for a VPN on an overlay network using Wireguard as the carrier

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Build and manage a network of servers that provides a distributed VPN using wireguard.

The network topology is the following:

  • The servers are connected in complete mesh. This allows a 2-hops-max connection between every client and the routing is trivial.
  • Each client is connected to a single server but it's reachable from every other client in the network.

All the dynamic configuration is kept inside a postgres database and the servers listen for database changes for automatic reloading.

Each client and server is identified by a unique name, which is also used for DNS name resolution. The system is built for being used with IPv4 or IPv6 in the internal network.

The requirements on the server side are:

  • wireguard kernel module installed and active.
  • wireguard-tools installed.
  • (optional) dnsmasq installed and running.

All but the first requirement are already provided by the docker image.

On the client side nothing more than wg-quick (or compatible) is required. Android is supported using the official app.

Database structure

The schema of the database is very simple, you can find it at src/schema.sql. There are 3 main tables:

  • servers with the configuration of the servers in the network, including private and public addresses, port numbers and public keys.
  • clients with the name and public key of the clients.
  • connections with the association of client → server.

Note that on the database only public keys are stored.

Editing those tables automatically updated the configurations on the server. This is done using postgres' pub/sub functionalities.

Initial Setup

At first you have to setup postgres somewhere accessible from all the servers. No specific configuration is needed, a user must be present and be able to connect and create tables.

From now on it's assumed to be known an address like postgresql://user:pass@host/db for connecting to the database.

Some decisions must be taken in advance:

  • A base domain under which all the DNS names will be put, in the examples vpn.example.com.
  • A network prefix for the entire VPN, in the examples fd12::/48.

In order to have the DNS working some extra steps are required:

  • Add a NS entry for the zone of the network, in the example vpn.example.com, pointing to the servers used as authoritative DNS server.
  • Remember to bind the port 53 (tcp and udp) of those servers.

Adding a server to the network

  • Generate a private and a public key for wireguard (wg genkey and wg pubkey), in the example SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY and SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY.
  • Choose a name for the server, in the example srv1.
  • Copy example.config.yaml and put it in config.yaml.
  • Update the setting needed, at least name, private_key, database_url, base_domain, network, netmask_len.
  • Add the entry for the server in the servers table in the database.
    • It's important that the name column matches the values set in config.yaml.
    • The subnet value must be smaller or equal than the entire network one and inside of it, in the example fd12::/64.
    • A second server must use a network that does not intersect with it, for example fd12:0:0:1::/64.
  • Start¹ wireguard-manager in the same directory of config.yaml.
  • Start dnsmasq pointing --addn-hosts to the path specified with dns_hosts_file in config.yaml.

Note Running dnsmasq is only required if you want this server to be an authoritative DNS server for the zone specified in the configuration file.

Note For interacting with the database you can use psql "postgresql://...." where the string in quotes is the same as the one in the configuration file.

Note The server information's page is accessible at http://srv1.vpn.example.com inside the network, and only if the DNS has been configured well. Note also that you can change the address and the port of the web server in the configuration file. Furthermore note that web_static_dir must point to the static directory of this repository.

¹ You can directly use the docker image which starts both wireguard-manager and dnsmasq

Adding a client to the network

  • Generate a private and a public key for wireguard (wg genkey and wg pubkey), in the example CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY and CLIENT_PUBLIC_KEY.
  • Choose a name for the client, in the example client1.
  • Add an entry in the clients table in the database.
    • Note that the name must be different from all the other clients and all the servers.
  • Add an entry in the connections table in the database.
    • The address you set must be inside the network of the server the client connects to.
    • Note that a client can connect to at most one server.
  • Generate the configuration file for the client.
    • If you are already in the network you can use the information's page of any server.
    • Otherwise you can use the CLI tool: cargo run --bin gen-client -- client1.
  • Patch the client configuration file setting the private key.
  • Install the configuration on the client:
    • Using wg-quick: put the configuration in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf and start/enable the service wg-quick@wg0.
    • On Android: make a QR with the configuration file and scan it with the app (for example using qrencode -t ansiutf8).

Note The client will be accessible at http://client1.vpn.example.com.

Using Docker

Build the binary in release mode using the x86_64-unknown-linux-musl target.

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release

Then build the container for the server

cd docker
tar -czh . | docker build -t wireguard-manager -

Now you have a docker image named wireguard-manager with the server inside.

Pre built image

In order to use it you may need to have wireguard installed on the host.

To run a new container with this image you can use:

docker run --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
    --sysctl=net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \
    --sysctl=net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 \
    -v /etc/wireguard-manager/config.yaml:/config.yaml \
    -e DOMAIN=YYYY \
    -p \
    -p \
    -p \
    --name wireguard-manager \
    --restart=unless-stopped \

Note You have to change XXXX to the port number of wireguard (set in the database) and YYYY to the base_domain set in config.yaml.

Note If you don't want to make this server an authoritative DNS server, remove the two lines that publish the port 53.

Note If you are not using IPv6 for the internal network you can remove the first sysctl rule and enable the forwarding only for IPv4 (net.ipv4.ip_forward=1).