"# expiditionhackssea2017"



{'ICE Director': {'phrases': {'Human Trafficing': ['personal', 'animal', 'mortal', 'individual', 'anthropoid', 'Human', 'traffics in', 'traffic in', 'Trafficing'], 'Gang Violence': ['clan', 'tribe', 'company', 'clique', 'crew', 'Gang', 'rampage', 'disturbance', 'brutality', 'clash', 'confusion', 'Violence'], 'Battle Tactics': ['bloodshed', 'campaign', 'clash', 'combat', 'hostility', 'Battle', 'stratagem', 'campaign', 'move', 'course', 'defense', 'Tactics'], 'Construction Reports': ['development', 'manufacture', 'system', 'planning', 'plan', 'Construction', 'information', 'picture', 'word', 'description', 'announcement', 'Reports'], 'Strategy': ['planning', 'blueprint', 'scenario', 'game plan', 'system', 'Strategy']}, 'articles': []}}, {'Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear Chemical and Biological Defense Programs (ASD(NCB))': {'phrases': {'Weapons of Mass Destruction': ['machine gun', 'pistol', 'bomb', 'sword', 'tear gas', 'Weapons', 'about', 'concerning', 'from', 'like', 'regarding', 'of', 'throng', 'horde', 'group', 'crowd', 'number', 'Mass', 'loss', 'murder', 'eradication', 'ruin', 'massacre', 'Destruction'], 'Cats': ['puma', 'panther', 'tabby', 'kitty', 'lynx', 'Cats'], 'Tactical Information': ['diplomatic', 'calculated', 'clever', 'cunning', 'deliberate', 'Tactical', 'instruction', 'word', 'knowledge', 'intelligence', 'advice', 'Information'], 'Weapon Testing': ['machine gun', 'pistol', 'bomb', 'sword', 'tear gas', 'Weapon', 'test', 'trial', 'examination', 'measurement', 'measuring', 'Testing']}, 'articles': []}}, {'North Korea policy group': {'phrases': {'North Korean Strategic Information': ['northern', 'arctic', 'northerly', 'tundra', 'cold', 'North', 'byzantine', 'Asian', 'Chinese', 'Japanese', 'Korean', 'important', 'critical', 'vital', 'key', 'cardinal', 'Strategic', 'instruction', 'word', 'knowledge', 'intelligence', 'advice', 'Information'], 'North Korean Weapon Testing': ['northern', 'arctic', 'northerly', 'tundra', 'cold', 'North', 'byzantine', 'Asian', 'Chinese', 'Japanese', 'Korean', 'machine gun', 'pistol', 'bomb', 'sword', 'tear gas', 'Weapon', 'test', 'trial', 'examination', 'measurement', 'measuring', 'Testing'], 'North Korean Diplomacy': ['northern', 'arctic', 'northerly', 'tundra', 'cold', 'North', 'byzantine', 'Asian', 'Chinese', 'Japanese', 'Korean', 'negotiation', 'politics', 'savoir-faire', 'subtlety', 'artfulness', 'Diplomacy'], 'North Korean TRade and Relations with China': ['northern', 'arctic', 'northerly', 'tundra', 'cold', 'North', 'byzantine', 'Asian', 'Chinese', 'Japanese', 'Korean', 'commerce', 'transaction', 'deal', 'business', 'exchange', 'TRade', 'also', 'furthermore', 'including', 'moreover', 'along with', 'and', 'relationship', 'alliance', 'similarity', 'affiliation', 'kindred', 'Relations', 'along', 'alongside', 'among', 'beside', 'by', 'with', 'pottery', 'service', 'crockery', 'porcelain', 'tableware', 'China']}, 'articles': []}}, {'Director maritime security operations': {'phrases': {'Weather Tokyo': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'Weather', 'took to', 'token', 'kayo', 'took', 'tkos', 'Tokyo'], 'Weather Melbourne': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'Weather', 'hellborn', 'wellborn', 'misborn', 'melodeon', 'well born', 'Melbourne'], 'Weather Seattle': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'Weather', 'settler', 'setal', 'stale', 'style', 'settled', 'Seattle'], 'Port Integirty': ['harbor', 'wharf', 'sanctuary', 'shelter', 'anchorage', 'Port', 'undergirt', 'integrate', 'integer', 'integers', 'under girt', 'Integirty'], 'weather long beach(LA)': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'weather', 'lengthy', 'protracted', 'great', 'deep', 'high', 'long', 'beachwear', 'beach', 'beached', 'bleach', 'be cheap', 'beach(LA)'], 'Weather Icheon': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'Weather', 'icon', 'echelon', 'lichen', 'itching', 'urchin', 'Icheon'], 'Manila': ['fiber', 'marijuana', 'cannabis', 'hashish', 'bang', 'Manila'], 'Hong Kong': ['hog', 'hang', 'honk', 'hung', 'thong', 'Hong', 'koing', 'long', 'gong', 'bong', 'dong', 'Kong'], 'Ocean Tactical Information': ['tide', 'pond', 'puddle', 'sea', 'blue', 'Ocean', 'diplomatic', 'calculated', 'clever', 'cunning', 'deliberate', 'Tactical', 'instruction', 'word', 'knowledge', 'intelligence', 'advice', 'Information'], 'Weather Shanghai': ['climate', 'elements', 'clime', 'Weather', 'capture', 'seize', 'snatch', 'grab', 'hijack', 'Shanghai']}, 'articles': []}}, {'Director wildfire division': {'phrases': {'forest tools': ['woodland', 'park', 'wood', 'jungle', 'thicket', 'forest', 'engine', 'apparatus', 'means', 'utensil', 'weapon', 'tools'], 'Forest Resources': ['woodland', 'park', 'wood', 'jungle', 'thicket', 'Forest', 'revenue', 'backing', 'nut', 'wealth', 'holdings', 'Resources'], 'evacuation reports': ['expulsion', 'discharge', 'clearing', 'draining', 'emptying', 'evacuation', 'information', 'picture', 'word', 'description', 'announcement', 'reports'], 'Forest Fire': ['woodland', 'park', 'wood', 'jungle', 'thicket', 'Forest', 'inferno', 'heat', 'blaze', 'bonfire', 'embers', 'Fire'], 'Flight Safety': ['shuttle', 'arrival', 'trip', 'transport', 'departure', 'Flight', 'freedom', 'security', 'sanctuary', 'immunity', 'shelter', 'Safety']}, 'articles': []}}, {'mission director; syria': {'phrases': {'Syrian Policy': ['strain', 'siren', 'siring', 'soring', 'sprain', 'Syrian', 'code', 'management', 'protocol', 'theory', 'arrangement', 'Policy'], 'Syrian war reports': ['strain', 'siren', 'siring', 'soring', 'sprain', 'Syrian', 'warfare', 'combat', 'hostility', 'fighting', 'strife', 'war', 'information', 'picture', 'word', 'description', 'announcement', 'reports'], 'Syrian casualties': ['strain', 'siren', 'siring', 'soring', 'sprain', 'Syrian', 'blow', 'calamity', 'catastrophe', 'mishap', 'disaster', 'casualties'], 'Syrian refugee camps': ['strain', 'siren', 'siring', 'soring', 'sprain', 'Syrian', 'foreigner', 'alien', 'exile', 'expatriate', 'displaced person', 'refugee', 'affected', 'pop', 'avant-garde', 'in', 'wild', 'camps'], 'Syrian Policies': ['strain', 'siren', 'siring', 'soring', 'sprain', 'Syrian', 'code', 'management', 'protocol', 'theory', 'arrangement', 'Policies']}, 'articles': []}}, {'centCOM j2': {'phrases': {'demands and supply chains': ['claim', 'requirement', 'use', 'sale', 'trade', 'demands', 'also', 'furthermore', 'including', 'moreover', 'along with', 'and', 'number', 'fund', 'amount', 'stockpile', 'inventory', 'supply', 'conglomerate', 'group', 'string', 'continuity', 'set', 'chains'], 'ISiS': ['isms', 'isps', 'rsis', 'as is', 'is', 'ISiS'], 'battles': ['bloodshed', 'campaign', 'clash', 'combat', 'hostility', 'battles'], 'us wars': ['New World', 'America', 'Columbia', 'Land of Liberty', 'U.S.', 'us', 'warfare', 'combat', 'hostility', 'fighting', 'strife', 'wars'], 'Syria': ['sro', 'aria', 'sire', 'ria', 'sure', 'Syria'], 'dog treas': ['puppy', 'cur', 'stray', 'tyke', 'bitch', 'dog', 'trees', 'treys', 'terras', 'tares', 'tries', 'treas'], 'U.S. security': ['New World', 'America', 'Columbia', 'Land of Liberty', 'U.S.A.', 'U.S.', 'freedom', 'preservation', 'surveillance', 'bond', 'guarantee', 'security']}, 'articles': []}}