
PowerShell Module to simplify Ngrok connection when working with multiple Authtokens.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


PowerShell Module to simplify Ngrok connection when working with multiple auth-tokens.


  • Windows OS
  • PowerShell (Tested on 5.1 & 7.4.1)
  • Ngrok installed and added to PATH
  • CredentialManager Module installed

How to install

  • Download the current release from the Release page or clone the repo.
  • Save folder with psm1 & psd1 (NOT ZIP PACKAGE) to you PowerShell Modules folder

NOTE: You can create a folder in your PowerShell Modules folder and directly pull the repo there - When a new update is pushed you can simply execute a git pull in the foulder to update then. Make sure that the .psd1 and .psm1 files are on the top level and not wrapped in multiple folders.


Connect-Ngrok - Starts a new Ngrok tunnel

  • -TargetPort - MANDATORY - uint16 - localhost target port for the ngrok tunnel
  • -HostProfile - OPTIONAL - string - Profile name of the hostname & token combination configured. If a profile name is choosen, which does not exist yet a setup wizard is triggered to configure the Profile (only on PS 5.X)
  • -NgrokRegion - OPTIONAL - string - region of ngrok; DEFAULT: eu
  • -ForceProfileOverwrite - OPTIONAL - switch - Force setup dialog for profile creation (same as if Profile is choosen, which does not exist - hence only on PS 5.X)
  • -HttpProtocol - OPTIONAL - http | https - localhost target http protocol - DEFAULT: https


  • You can create a User Environmentvariable NGROKPS_DEFAULT_PROFILE specifying the default HostProfile