
Abstract Test Suite for INSPIRE Download Services Atom pre-defined data-set download conformance class

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Abstract Test Suite for Atom Implementation of Pre-defined Dataset Download Service of INSPIRE Download Services Technical Guidance

Note: This ATS is in draft stage, none of the tests have an official INSPIRE MIG approval.

External document references

The following abbreviations are used in the test text for referring to external documents:

Abbreviation Document name
INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE)
TG DL INSPIRE Download Services Technical Guidance version 3.1
IR NS COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 976/2009 of 19 October 2009 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the Network Services
IR MD COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1205/2008 of 3 December 2008 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards metadata
ATOM <a name"ref_atom"> The Atom Syndication Format (RFC 4287)
GeoRSS Simple GeoRSS Simple
OpenSearch OpenSearch 1.1 specification

TG Requirement coverage

Based on requirement numbering in TG DL.

Req# Description Covered by test(s) IR reference(s)
1 Datasets as individual entries A.01.TGR1.separatedatasets n/a
2 Atom specification conformance A.02.TGR2.conformtoAtomSpecification n/a
3 GeoRSS Simple conformance A.03.TGR3.conformtoGeoRSS-Simple n/a
4 OpenSearch conformance A.04.TGR4.conformtoOpenSearch1.1 n/a
5 Download Service Feed title A.05.IR221.TGR5.feedTitle IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
6 Metadata record link for service A.06.IR511.TGR6.linkToMetadataForTheService IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1; IR MD, section 2.2.4
7 Download Service Feed self reference A.07.TGR7.selfreference n/a
8 OpenSearch Description link A.08.IR222.TGR8.linktoOpenSearchDescription IR NS, M1, section 2.2.2
9 Download Service Feed ID A.09.TGR9.feedid n/a
10 Download Service Rights A.10.IR221.TGR10.rightselement IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
11 Download Service Updated A.11.IR221.TGR11.updatedelement IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
12 Download Service Author A.12.IR221.TGR12.contactinformation IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
13 Spatial Data Set identifiers in Service Feed A.13.IR221.TGR13.datasetidentifiers IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
14 Dataset metadata record links in Service Feed A.14.IR221.TGR14.linksToDatasetMetadata IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
15 Dataset Feed links in Service Feed A.15.TGR15.linkToDatasetFeed n/a
16 WFS Capabilities document link Not covered
17 Dataset Feed ID in Service Feed A.16.TGR17.entryHasId n/a
18 Dataset Feed title in Service Feed A.17.TGR18.entryTitle n/a
19 Dataset Feed Updated element in Service Feed A.18.TGR19.entryUpdated n/a
20 Dataset CRS category elements in Service Feed A.19.IR224.TGR20.entryCRS IR NS, M1, section 2.2.4
21 Dataset Feed title in Dataset Feed A.20.IR224.TGR21.datasetFeedTitle IR NS, M1, section 2.2.4
22 Dataset Feed ID in Dataset Feed A.21.TGR22.datasetFeedId n/a
23 Dataset Feed Rights in Dataset Feed A.22.IR221.TGR23.datasetFeedRights IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
24 Dataset Updated in Dataset Feed A.23.IR221.TGR24.datasetFeedUpdated IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
25 Dataset Author in Dataset Feed A.24.IR221.TGR25.datasetFeedContactinformation IR NS, M1, section 2.2.1
26 Dataset content entry A.25.IR31.TGR26.datasetFeedDownloadLink IR NS, M1, section 3.1
27 Dataset format/CRS specific content entries A.26.IR313.TGR27.separateEntriesCRSFormat IR NS, M1, section 3.1.3
28 Dataset Spatial Object Type link A.27.IR4.TGR28.spatialObjectType IR NS, M1, section 4
29 Dataset entry content links A.28.IR31.TGR29.datasetFeedDownloadLinkDetails IR NS, M1, section 3.1
30 Dataset entry content media type Not covered
31 Dataset entry content language A.29.IR311.TGR31.languageForDownloadLink IR NS, M1, section 3.1.1
32 Sectioned dataset entry links A.30.TGR32.downloadMultipleFiles n/a
33 Sectioned dataset structure A.31.TGR33.downloadMultipleFilesGuidance n/a
34 Only INSPIRE media types allowed A.32.TGR34.INSPIREmediaTypesOnly n/a
35 Dataset CRS category elements in Dataset Feed A.33.IR224.IR313.TGR35.categoryLabelCRS IR NS, M1, section 3.1.3
36 Alternate languages in Service Feed Not testable
37 Language request parameter Not testable
38 Alternate language feed interlinking Not testable
39 OpenSearch Description document A.08.IR222.TGR8.linktoOpenSearchDescription and A.36 - A.40 IR NS, M1, section 2.2.2
40 OpenSearch Description self reference A.35.TGR40.openSearchSelfreference n/a
41 OpenSearch Generic search results URL template A.36.TGR41.openSearchGenericSearchQueries n/a
42 OpenSearch Describe Spatial Data Set Operation template A.37.IR4.TGR42.openSearchUrlDescribeSpatialDataset IR NS, M1, section 4
43 OpenSearch Get Spatial Data Set Operation template A.38.IR3.TGR43.openSearchUrlGetSpatialDataset n/a
44 OpenSearch Spatial Data Set IDs as example queries A.39.IR3.IR4.TGR44.openSearchQueryExample IR NS, M1, section 4
45 OpenSearch supported languages A.40.IR311.IR411.TGR45.openSearchLanguages IR NS, M1, section 4.1.1


This Conformance Class contains the following tests:

Identifier Status
A.01.TGR1.separatedatasets Ready for review
A.02.TGR2.conformtoAtomSpecification Ready for review
A.03.TGR3.conformtoGeoRSS-Simple Ready for review
A.04.TGR4.conformtoOpenSearch1.1 Ready for review
A.05.IR221.TGR5.feedTitle Ready for review
A.06.IR511.TGR6.linkToMetadataForTheService Ready for review
A.07.TGR7.selfreference Ready for review
A.08.IR222.TGR8.linktoOpenSearchDescription Ready for review
A.09.TGR9.feedid Ready for review
A.10.IR221.TGR10.rightselement Ready for review
A.11.IR221.TGR11.updatedelement Ready for review
A.12.IR221.TGR12.contactinformation Ready for review
A.13.IR221.TGR13.datasetidentifiers Ready for review
A.14.IR221.TGR14.linksToDatasetMetadata Ready for review
A.15.TGR15.linkToDatasetFeed Ready for review
A.16.TGR17.entryHasId Ready for review
A.17.TGR18.entryTitle Ready for review
A.18.TGR19.entryUpdated Ready for review
A.19.IR224.TGR20.entryCRS Ready for review
A.20.IR224.TGR21.datasetFeedTitle Ready for review
A.21.TGR22.datasetFeedId Ready for review
A.22.IR221.TGR23.datasetFeedRights Ready for review
A.23.IR221.TGR24.datasetFeedUpdated Ready for review
A.24.IR221.TGR25.datasetFeedContactinformation Ready for review
A.25.IR31.TGR26.datasetFeedDownloadLink Ready for review
A.26.IR313.TGR27.separateEntriesCRSFormat Draft
A.27.IR4.TGR28.spatialObjectType Draft
A.28.IR31.TGR29.datasetFeedDownloadLinkDetails Draft
A.29.IR311.TGR31.languageForDownloadLink Draft
A.30.TGR32.downloadMultipleFiles Ready for review
A.31.TGR33.downloadMultipleFilesGuidance Ready for review
A.32.TGR34.INSPIREmediaTypesOnly Ready for review
A.33.IR224.IR313.TGR35.categoryLabelCRS Ready for review
A.35.TGR40.openSearchSelfreference Ready for review
A.36.TGR41.openSearchGenericSearchQueries Ready for review
A.37.IR4.TGR42.openSearchUrlDescribeSpatialDataset Ready for review
A.38.IR3.TGR43.openSearchUrlGetSpatialDataset Ready for review
A.39.IR3.IR4.TGR44.openSearchQueryExample Ready for review
A.40.IR311.IR411.TGR45.openSearchLanguages Ready for review

Open issues

XML namespace prefixes

The following prefixes are used to refer to the corresponding XML namespaces in all test descriptions:

Prefix Namespace
atom http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom
georss http://www.georss.org/georss
gmd http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd
inspire_common http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/common/1.0
inspire_dls http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/schemas/inspire_dls/1.0
os http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/
xlink http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
xml http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace