A distributed crawler collection program implemented in Go language
For learning only, commercial use is strictly prohibited
The idea comes from the ccmouse course
- Simple: microservice, gRPC request
- Expand: etcd cluster registration and monitoring service
- Distributed: Build multiple containers that include main,worker,itemsaver
- Data: ES storage, Kibana show, RabbitMQ message broker
- Deploy: Docker compose manage container
- Rule: bloom filter, Concurrent scheduling
- Supply: go mod, debug in container
- Make build main, worker and itemsave:
cd octopus && make go-build
cd octopus/worker/server && make go-build
cd octopus/persist/server && make go-build
- Docker compose on Mac
cd octopus && docker-compose up -d
- Request the following URL on the browser
- Debug with dlv in the container
#use Dockerfile.debug in docker-compose.yml