
This is a discord bot made by some of the people on the Michael Reeves Discord Server

For now, this is the official repo for the discord bot


To contribute to this bot you must:

  • Have experience with Python,
  • Have the Casual Coder or the Code Expert role,
  • Be a member of the Michael Reeves server.
  • Have experience with discord.py lib

NOTE: You cannot contribute to this bot if you are not in the Michael Reeves discord server. This is because of security reasons. If you try to make a pull request, your PR wont be merged

To verify that you are in the Michael Reeves server, you will have to write your Discord username in the pull request. Before pulling the PR, we will ping you in the server to verify that you are indeed the one who sent the PR.

Contributing if you dont have any roles on the MR server

If you are reading this section of the README and you don't have a code role on the MR server because you don't have a filled Github profile, OH BOY I've got the solution for you! there will be a Google Forms link (coming soon) where you put your Discord username, hashtag and a pastebin with pro-super-nice-cool-hot-sexy python code. We will review it and then you can contribute! If you contribute before you do the Google Forms stuff then your PR won't be merged.

Want to run the code yourself?

Sure! Just use it for educational purposes and don't be a skiddie(script kiddie). To run it do the following:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. ??????????

Enviroment variables:

Make a .env file, or use your system's enviroment variables to make:

  • discord_key=[discord api key] Twitter Keys:
  • tweet_access_key
  • tweet_access_secret
  • tweet_api_key
  • tweet_api_secret
