Unturned server

What is this projet?

The main goal of this projet is help people to easily set up a unturned server.


I tried to keep the installation the simplest as possible.

The only requiment is to run the scripts on Ubuntu 16.04 TSL. I tested the script on newer Ubuntu versions however it sucked installing some libs (If you fell confortable to send a pull request fixing this it would be nice 😜)


Download the files from this repository and run:

$ ./installServer.sh:

What does this script do?

  • Installs required libs on Ubuntu
  • Creates a folder SteamCMD for steam
  • Creates a folder unturned for Unturned game


  • installServer.sh - Installs the server as explained on last section
  • startServer.sh - Starts a screen session called unturned running the server
  • stopServer.sh - Saves the game then stops the unturned screen sesssion
  • updateServer.sh - Checks if the server is up to date. If it is not, so it stops the current server running when applicable and starts it again. (Need to fix it 🔥)
  • saveSever.sh - Sends a save command into screen session

How to execute commands on server console

It is necessary to get in screen session:

$ screen -r unturned

After type the command you want then press Ctrl + A followed by d to detach the screen session.

Auto save

It seems that it has a issue to up to date the game if you do not save the game manually (I lost all the progress since last save after update the game 😭😱💢).

It will be needed to create a cronjob that executes each 30 minutos, for example.

To edit the cronjob file execute the following commnad:

$ crontab -e

So add the following cronjob to execute the saveServer.sh each 10 minutos and redirects the output in an save.log file.

*/10 * * * * {saveServer.sh folder}/saveServer.sh > {saveServer.sh folder}/save.log

Auto update (Need to fix)

Change the following line in updateServer.sh to the folder where unturned is installed:

HOMEDIRECTORY="/home/{your username}"

It will be needed to create a cronjob that executes each 30 minutos, for example.

To edit the cronjob file execute the following commnad:

$ crontab -e

So add the following cronjob to execute the updateServer.sh each 30 minutos and redirects the output in an update.log file.

*/30 * * * * {updateServer.sh folder}/updateServer.sh > {updateServer.sh folder}/update.log

Useful links

Unturned commands list

How to install openmod for unturned