On this Frontend React Hooks Project you can choose buy products
I used Redux to handle Cart and andd buy items.
- See details abour the products.
- Filter products by name, categories / Sort products
- Add to cart and buy products.
- React Hooks
- TypeScript with Interface/Models
- Redux / Redux-Thunk
- Async Methoeds
- Routing
- Styled Components
- The stack for this task are similar to the ones we're using here at Dropit (React with Typescript)
- The architecture as well (simple implementation)
- you can add and modify the given architecture, or implement a different architecture of your choosing
- Use existing implementation (e.g.: components, libraries, configuration)
- Try to mimic the implemented architecture when adding content
- Keep code clean and organized
- Submit the task via mail or a private repo
Set up an application state (consistent for a single session)
- extract the products' categories and render the categories within the filter (see next line)
- add selector to filter the displayed data by a selected category (filter is done locally)
- add search input that filter the displayed data by product's name (search is done locally)
- add sort functionality by any property (sort is done locally)
- handle add product to cart
- handle click row (navigate to product page)
- display the cart icon with a badge counter for the number of items (not products) in the cart
- display "No Results" for an empty table
- set up new page and module (use existing configuration)
- handle page refresh
- display all product extended data
- display the cart icon with a badge counter for the number of items (not products) in the cart
- add and handle back button
- set up new page and module (use existing configuration)
- display products that are in the cart state as a table (image, name, price per unit, quantity, total price)
- show summary data (number of products, number of items, total price)
- add input for user's name
- add a checkout button (disabled when cart or user's name is empty)
- handle checkout by displaying a successful snackbar/modal with a message
- add and handle back/close button