
React front-end for the Uncut Gems website.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Uncut Gems - Sports betting for peers

Uncut Gems is a sports betting application for peers, where users create parlays and bet against their peers. Currently, it supports basketball.

On the client side, it uses React, Styled Components, and Material UI. On the backend, it uses Node, Express, and PostgreSQL. APIs used are Rapidapi for basketball data, and Stripe for payment processing. This page is for the Client server.

Uncut Gems API Server

Final Product

"Login Page" "Games Page"


  • @material-ui/core: ^4.9.2,
  • @material-ui/icons: ^4.9.1,
  • @stripe/react-stripe-js: ^1.0.2,
  • @stripe/stripe-js: ^1.0.0,
  • @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4,
  • @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2,
  • @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2,
  • axios: ^0.19.2,
  • moment: ^2.24.0,
  • query-string-object: ^0.2.5,
  • react: ^16.12.0,
  • react-dom: ^16.12.0,
  • react-radio-buttons: ^1.2.2,
  • react-router: ^5.1.2,
  • react-router-dom: ^5.1.2,
  • react-scripts: 3.3.1,
  • react-stripe-elements: ^6.0.1,
  • styled-components: ^5.0.1

Getting Started

  • Install all dependencies (using the npm install command).
  • Run the development web server using the npm start command.