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CancerQuiz is a serious game based on the Play Framework, which was realized in a time frame of six weeks by five MCS students in the third semester. The developed application, whose target group is children between the ages of 10 and 16, is intended to impart knowledge about cancer to its users in a playful manner.
A collection of various concentration and memory exercises, such as may be found in aptitude selection procedures. Included are, among others, the CT-Weber test as well as mental arithmetic tasks and tasks in which words have to be spelled backwards.
Consul - Open Government and E-Participation Web Software
A dockerized node.js script to automatically keep your streak on Duolingo alive.
This FeedReader checks various public RSS feeds at regular intervals, stores the new articles in a database, and displays them in a web interface.
A python web application (Flask) that shows random Sherlock Holmes quotes. 99% is written by ChatGPT.
MiweLocker is a simple file encryption and decryption tool written in Go for research purposes.
Simple Flask server to forward requests to another URL and return their response to the original requester. Kind of like a proxy.
A dockerized bash script to automatically keep your streak on TryHackMe alive.
Michael1337's Repositories
A dockerized node.js script to automatically keep your streak on Duolingo alive.
Consul - Open Government and E-Participation Web Software
A python web application (Flask) that shows random Sherlock Holmes quotes. 99% is written by ChatGPT.
MiweLocker is a simple file encryption and decryption tool written in Go for research purposes.
Simple Flask server to forward requests to another URL and return their response to the original requester. Kind of like a proxy.
A dockerized bash script to automatically keep your streak on TryHackMe alive.
CancerQuiz is a serious game based on the Play Framework, which was realized in a time frame of six weeks by five MCS students in the third semester. The developed application, whose target group is children between the ages of 10 and 16, is intended to impart knowledge about cancer to its users in a playful manner.
A collection of various concentration and memory exercises, such as may be found in aptitude selection procedures. Included are, among others, the CT-Weber test as well as mental arithmetic tasks and tasks in which words have to be spelled backwards.
This FeedReader checks various public RSS feeds at regular intervals, stores the new articles in a database, and displays them in a web interface.
Idle/click game idea
The task was to develop two prototypes, one of which follows a set of guidelines, while the other breaks a set of guidelines. The first prototype (Forms) represents an online form that follows guidelines for forms. The second prototype (Trust) represents a server rental that breaks guidelines for credibility.
A simple Telegram bot that uses environment variables to check passwords entered by users.
Some Userscripts I use in my web browser to increase the quality of live.
Eine kleine Seite, die lokale Videos über ein Webinterface anschauen lässt. Ziemlich nutzlos eigentlich.