This extension is just a simple administration screen and partial that can be used in your views to gather email addresses in a local database table.
Add "gem 'spree_newsletter_subscribers', :git => 'git://'" to your Gemfile
Run "bundle"
Run "rails g spree_newsletter_subscribers:install" and select "Y" to run the migrations
And.....Insert form into your views where appropriate, such as:
<%= form_for :newsletter_subscribers, :url => :newsletter_subscribers do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :first_name %> <%= f.text_field :last_name %> <%= f.text_field :email %> <%= f.submit 'SUBSCRIBE' %> <% end %>
- Ability to unsubscibe
- Tests
- Everything else! :-)
Copyright (c) 2012 XWC Solutions, released under the New BSD License