
Range slider jquery plugin

Primary LanguageTypeScript

RangeSlider jQuery Plugin

Demo Page

Table of Contents:

  1. Build Setup
  2. Plugin Configuration
  3. Slider Events
  4. Architecture
  5. UML Classes Diagram

Build Setup

Plugin created with:

  • Node.js >= 14.21.2
  • npm 6.14.15
  • jQuery 3.6.0
# Download repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/WhiteDevilMan/RangeSlider

# Go to the folder:
$ cd RangeSlider

# Install dependencies from package.json:
$ npm install (or 'npm i')

# Start server with hot reload
$ npm run dev

# Build project. Output will be at 'dist' folder
$ npm run build

# Build project with demo page. Output will be at 'dist' folder
$ npm run build-demo

# Deploy project to gh-pages (after "npm run build")
$ npm run deploy

# Run test
$ npm run test (or 'npm test')

# Lint Styles
$ npm run stylelint-fix

Plugin Configuration

First add jQuery CDN to your page, scripts and styles.


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script defer src="range-slider-vendors.js"></script>
<script defer src="range-slider.js"></script>
<link href="range-slider.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Then you need to add <div> block with id on your page.


<div id="range-slider"></div>

And after it add RangeSlider plugin with settings to your.js file.


$('#range-slider').RangeSlider('init', {
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  from: 20,
  to: 80,
  step: 1,
  range: true,
  scale: true,
  tooltips: true,
  vertical: false,
  confpanel: false,
  bar: true,

Also, you could use plugin from console in your browser with the same command

$('#range-slider').RangeSlider('init', {
  min: 0,
  max: 100,
  from: 20,
  to: 80,
  step: 1,
  range: true,
  scale: true,
  tooltips: true,
  vertical: false,
  confpanel: false,
  bar: true,

You may pass to slider settings that you need to update its settings

$('#range-slider').RangeSlider('update', {
  min: 20,
  max: 80,
  confpanel: true,

Slider Events

To subscribe to slider event you need to:

  • Add Observer property to class properties and initialize it in the constructor


export default class View {
  changeSettingsObserver: AbstractObserver;

  constructor() {
    this.changeSettingsObserver = new Observer();
  • In the code where you want to subscribe on this observer add
yourObserver.addObserver(data? => { /* your code */ })


this.view.changeSettingsObserver.addObserver((settings) => {
  // Your code. Example:

To unsubscribe from slider event you need to remove observer:

this.view.changeSettingsObserver.removeObserver((settings) => {
  // Your code. Example:


RangeSlider uses MVP (Model View Presenter) architecture.

Model - works with data, performs validations, calculations and manages business processes.

View - shows the user the interface and data from the model.

Presenter - serves as a layer between the model and the view.

RangeSlider architecture

Layers are unlinked from external dependencies using abstract classes. Data between layers is transmitted using the observer pattern.

UML Classes Diagram

UML Classes Diagram