
An improved shell for windows

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

icon WISH

Windows Improved SHell

LS command

this aims at being an improved shell for windows.
I started making this because I was fed up with cmd.exe
I haven't thought of anything else to put here yet, so there you go.

UPDATE: July 6, 2018

I've worked this into a somewhat usable state. it now supports calling external programs, a few internal commands (many more being developed), and readline-style tab complete.
built in commands so far include:

ls, cd, mkdir, pwd, cat, alias, echo, help, set. yeah, I know thats barely anything, I'm still working on it :P

Scripts (if you can call it that)

It now supports a very basic form of script, basically just a list of commands.
to run one (with source) type py -3 wish.py -s <scriptname>
if you installed with the installer, then type wish -s <scriptname> (it should be in PATH)

Need to do:

  • make many more commands (grep, read, etc...)
  • allow all extensions in %PATHEXT% to be called as programs (access default programs through registry) <<<<<<< HEAD
  • enable piping :check:
  • enable access to environment variables =======
  • enable piping ✓
  • enable access to environment variables ✓


  • scripting (thats a big one)
  • different prompts (I want there to be a bunch of different kinds of prompts)
  • initiation script


as of July 15, piping now works! it has 8.

  • command > file: sends stdout from command to file (overwrites previous content, creates if non-exisistant)
  • command >> file: sends stdout from command to fil (appends, creates if non-existent)
  • command1 | command2: sends stdout from command1 to stdin of command2
  • command1 || command2: does command2 only if command1 fails (exits on non-zero return code)
  • command1 & command2: does command1, and then command2
  • command1 && command2: does command1, then command2 if command1 succeeds (exits on zero return code)
  • command < file: reads file, and sends contents to stdin of command (equivalent to cat file | command)
  • command << file: reads one line of file and sends that to stdin of command

if you have any more ideas, please comment about them! any suggestions will be looked at!