ELEN4020 - Lab 2

The following Matrix Transposition Algorithms were implemented using pThreads and OpenMP:

  • Naive-Threading Algorithm (only OpenMP)
  • Diagonal Threading Algorithm
  • Block-Oriented-Threading Algorithm

Build Instructions

This lab utilizes GNU make to create a UNIX makefile for the build automation of this repo.

  1. Clone this repo in your directory of choice.
  2. Run make in your command window to build the files in this repo.
  3. To run the files in this repo use the following terminal commands:

Commands to run the following programs:

  • DThreadAlgorithm.cpp: ./DThreadAlg
  • BlockThreadAlgorithm.cpp: ./BlockThreadAlg
  • NaiveOpenMP.cpp: ./NaiveOpenMP
  • DiagonalOpenMP.cpp: ./DiagOpenMP
  • BlockOpenMP.cpp: ./BlockOpenMP
  1. To delete any binary files that were created during the building process run: make clean