
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to RubyMalClient, a client for connecting and retrieving information from the MyAnimeList.net official API.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ruby_mal_client'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ruby_mal_client


The very first thing you need to do in order to use this gem is to request a Client ID and Client Secret for your application to use from MyAnimeList.net, you can request them here (Note that you have to be a registered MAL user).


Those credentials were only used for testing and to generate web mocks, they are no longer active, you have to fill the MAL form provided above to generate your own credentials.


This gem is meant to be used as an in-between between the MyAnimeList.net official API and your own project, so don't reference it in neither the App Redirect URL or the Homepage URL form fields of the MAL API access request form.

Once you have generated your Client ID and Client Secret

Just set them in the gem configurations as shown here:

RubyMalClient.configure do |config|
  config.client_id = "Your Client ID goes here..."
  config.client_secret = "Your Client Secret goes here..."

If you only want to access to anime, manga, lists and forums without modifying lists you can just set the Client ID into the configurations and you should be able to use the Anime, Manga and Forums classes.


Method name Function
all Brings back all the posible amount of records (see the params fields for more info at the api doc)
list_for Brings back the anime list of the specified user
find Brings the details of the specified anime by passing the anime_id
ranking Brings back the anime ranking
seasonal Brings back the aired anime for the year and season provided in the params (if no params are specified, it will bring the current season animes)

Example of use:

anime = RubyMalClient::Anime.new

#Anime list:
params = { fields: "list_status", limit: "100", status: "completed" }
anime.list_for("michael_apl", params)

#Anime details:

#Anime Ranking (Top):

#Seasonal anime:

Note that for the params you can send them just as they are defined at the official MAL API documentation, you can check it here.

DEVELOPER NOTE: for the fields param, there are actually a lot of fields that can be sended, all of them are sent in the find method, as most of these are not (up to this date) specified in the API documentation, I gathered all the fields I was able to find and set them at the RubyMALClient::Configuration::ANIME_DETAILS_FIELDS. You can either take them all or modify the params fields with the ones you consider necessary.

User Authentication

In order to be able to access to your profile and modify your lists you will have to grant authorization to your MAL profile.

You can do this by using the AuthenticatedUser class

user = RubyMalClient::AuthenticatedUser.new

First you need to access to the authorization url in your browser and grant access to your application, this URL is provided in the following method


This URL will take you to a MAL modal asking you for your confirmation, once you confirm the authorization, it will redirect you to your application URL (the one you provided in the Homepage URL field), however, the URL will contain a special parameter called code, it is a very long string that starts with something like def50200c0687cfa2678e250..., you have to get the value of that parameter and send it to the authorize! method

auth_code = "def50200c0687cfa2678e250..." #auth code goes here

MAL API's access token has an expiration time, when the access token expires, an exception will be throwed, in that case, just use the renovate_authorization! method.


Now you can access the methods provided by the AuthenticatedUser class for retrieving info:

Method name Function
my_anime_list Brings the anime list of the authenticated user
current_user Brings the profile info of the authenticated user
suggested_anime Brings the suggested anime section for the authenticated user
upsert_anime_to_list add or update an anime to the authenticated user's anime list
delete_anime_from_list delete an anime from the authenticated user's anime list

Example of use:

#User info

#User anime list

#Adding a new entry to the list
random_anime_id = "6347" # Baka to test
random_anime_info = {
  status: RubyMalClient::Configuration::ANIME_LIST_ITEM_STATUSES[:watching],
  num_watched_episodes: 1,
  comments: "this record was added using RubyMALClient"
user.upsert_anime_to_list(random_anime_id, random_anime_info)
#If the entry already exist in the list, it will be updated with the info sent in params

#Deleting entry from your list


manga = RubyMalClient::Manga.new
Method name Function
all Brings back all the posible amount of records (see the params fields for more info at the api doc)
list_for Brings back the manga list of the specified user
find Brings the details an specified manga by passing the manga_id
ranking Brings back the MAL manga ranking (see the api doc for applying filters with the params)


forum = RubyMalClient::Forum.new
Method name Notes
topics I implemented so it requires a board_id, otherwise it takes so long trying to retrieve all topics that it may cause a timeout


You can check and run the quickstart.rb file for a sumarized and complete use of the gem classes and flow

$ rb quick_start.rb


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/MichaelAPL/ruby_mal_client. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

You can also send me a direct message to my MAL profile.

Infinite thanks to @3zcurdia for his tips and contributions to the creation of this gem <3.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the RubyMalClient project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.