
Kubernetes single node automation

Primary LanguageShell


Kubernetes single node automation


This script will create only 1 node which the server is control-plane and worker node.

This single k8s node includes local repository, minio, nfs server for nfs-csi driver

Storage class: hostpath-csi/nfs-csi/vSphere CSI.


4-single vm hostpath


-Ubuntu Linux Server 20.04.3 amd64 4vCPU minimum 8GB RAM Recommend 16GB RAM 100G HDDB. (ARM is experimental)

-If you want to use vSphre CSI Driver, You need to have vCenter 6.7U3 above and any VM need to be set DISKUUID in option. At least 1 vCenter and 1 ESX. vCenter cluster is option.



-Network segment 24bit is required


Configure your clone. Before execute script, please change following.

  • 3-configk8s.sh:IPRANGE: loadbalancer will be assigned this subnet, thus you need to set unused IP subnet.

  • 6-csi-vsphere.sh/K3-kasten-vsphere.sh: vCenter configuration in vSphere CSI driver and Kasten Storage setting.

Please read 00-Detailed_Instruction-En.txt (English) / 00-Detailed_Instruction-Ja.txt (Japanese) also.

Usage (deploy kubernetes)

sudo -i
git clone https://github.com/masezou/k8s-study-vanilla
cd k8s-study-vanilla

Following is fully automation. It is easy.


or execute each step.

./0-minio.sh ; ./1-tools.sh ; ./2-buildk8s-lnx.sh ; ./3-configk8s.sh ; ./4-csi-storage.sh

Then if your Ubuntu VM is on vSphere with vCenter 6.7U3 above.


After Installation, you can review installation result.

bash ./result.sh


  • If you want to add separate storage volume, you can mount extra volume to /disk.

  • Windows environment is not supported