
Data collection backend for Internet of Things on Google App Engine using TI SensorTag and Zolertia Z1

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The purpose of this project is to follow your pet's habits. Put in your cat or dog neckless the sensors and get some informations about them (how much do they walk per day (not yet implemented), temperature, etc).

iot website project


The Data collection for Internet of Things run on Google App Engine.


iot website project

Three main folders

  • AppEngine : Source code for your application AppEngine
  • Contiki : Source code for your Z1 and Sensortag
  • Localserver : Source code for your RaspberryPi

1. Deploy you Local Server (RapsberryPi)

1.1 Setup

1.1.1 Requirements

sudo apt-get install python python-pip
sudo pip install flask
pip install urllib3
pip install requests

1.2 Deploy

  • Retrieve the sources from our repository
  • Copy the default directory
  • Modify the config.cfgg file
Property Description
auto_external Set it to false if you have a domain name and write your domain url in "external" field
external Your domain name (if you got one)
port Flask port. It need to be open by your firewall
distant_ip App Engine application URL
friendly_name A simple name for your server


auto_external: true 	
port: 1234 		
distant_ip: http://1.iot-pirate.appspot.com 
friendly_name: deruaz_home
  • Modify the main to add the sensors (virtual or real sensors) Example:
# Add a virtual sensor
tools.add_sensor(Sensor_tag_virtual( 'Lassie', '23fa8287-a719-4c1b-8177-7ec829f6e08r', '6Lowpan', 0, "2015-12-05 11:03:06"))
# Add a real sensor (Sensortag)
tools.add_sensor(Sensor_tag_real("Simba", '01111111-a719-4c1b-8177-7ec829d6e02a', '6Lowpan', 1, "2013-04-05 11:03:06", "http://[aaaa::c30c:0:0:1560]/"))

1.3 Running It

  • Make start.sh executable
sudo chmod +x start.sh
  • Modify start.sh to run the main with the right .cfg file
sudo nano start.sh
  • Run start.sh

2. Z1 and Sensortag

If you need more informations about how to set up Instant Contiki and compile your Zolertia Z1 or Sensortag -> Wiki