Matching application team 4
FoodZen is an app where people with the same interest in a particular dish, can find each other to share their creations & recipes. Users can match with each other based on their interest in a dish. Once they are a match they can chat with each other and share their recipes with each other here. It is possible for the user to set up a profile. Liking is done by clicking on the heart, then they are redirected to the appropriate room where they can chat.
Step 1. Clone this repository
git clone
Step 2. Navigate to the reposotiry you just cloned Please note case sensitive
cd matching-app/
Step 3. Install the npm (Node package manager)
npm install
Step 1. Install MongoDB and MongoDBcompass and set up a database, step by step (If you already have this you can skip this step)
Step 2. Change the password and username to your details code
Step 3. Change the .env_example file to .env code
Now start npm (Node package manager).
npm start
- Users can set their profile as desired.
- Users can filter by country and dish.
- Users can both log in and create an account.
- Users can like dishes to chat with other users who find that dish interesting.
- Users can give dishes a star to place it in favorites.
The project uses the MIT license.